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A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists, 5th Edition


Current or future user-support professionals discover the critical people skills and exceptional technical knowledge to provide outstanding support with Beisse's A GUIDE TO COMPUTER USER SUPPORT FOR HELP DESK AND SUPPORT SPECIALISTS, 5E. This useful guide focuses on the informational resources and technical tools needed most to function effectively in a support position. Readers learn to handle troubleshooting and problem solving, successfully communicate with clients, determine a client's specific needs, train end-users and even handle budgeting and other management priorities. This edition prepares readers to work with the latest developments, from Web and e-mail-based support to Windows 7 and cloud computing. Leading HelpSTAR and Microsoft Office Project Professional 2010 software accompanying the text further reinforce user-support knowledge and skills.

Pimped: The Shocking True Story of the Girl Sold for Sex by Her Best Friend
Pimped: The Shocking True Story of the Girl Sold for Sex by Her Best Friend
By the age of thirteen, vulnerable Sheffield teenager Samantha Owens had fallen through the cracks in the care system. Bounced around numerous foster carers after her home life became too chaotic, Samantha thought she had found a friend in the streetwise Amanda Spencer. The older girl bought her clothes, styled her hair and found her places to...
Exploratory Data Analysis in Business and Economics: An Introduction Using SPSS, Stata, and Excel
Exploratory Data Analysis in Business and Economics: An Introduction Using SPSS, Stata, and Excel

In a world in which we are constantly surrounded by data, figures, and statistics, it is imperative to understand and to be able to use quantitative methods. Statistical models and methods are among the most important tools in economic analysis, decision-making and business planning. This textbook, “Exploratory Data Analysis in Business...

Calculus: Single and Multivariable
Calculus: Single and Multivariable

This Sixth Edition of Calculus continues the effort to promote courses in which understanding and computation reinforce each other. Calculus: Single and Multivariable 6th Edition reflects the many voices of users at research universities, four-year colleges, community colleges, and secondary schools. This new edition has been streamlined to...

Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (2nd Edition)
Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (2nd Edition)

Few people ever read a preface, and those who do often just glance at the first few lines. So we begin by answering the question most frequently asked by the readers of our manuscript: "What does [BB] mean?" Like most undergraduate texts in mathematics these days, answers to some of our exercises appear at the back of the book....

Encyclopedia of Products & Industries: Manufacturing
Encyclopedia of Products & Industries: Manufacturing
Encyclopedia of Products & Industries—Manufacturing (EPIM) is a compilation of essays on 120 major product categories across the entire spectrum of U.S. manufacturing activity. The purpose of this publication is to provide product information in structured format to students and analysts. While the focus is on products, the industrial...
Rehabilitation Therapeutics of the Neurological Training: Daoyin Technique in Chinese Medicine
Rehabilitation Therapeutics of the Neurological Training: Daoyin Technique in Chinese Medicine

This book introduces the Neurological Training and Educating Technical System (NTETS), providing readers with a useful tool for the recovery of motor function after incurring CNS lesions. NTETS is based on the essential theories of Chinese medicine, central nervous system plasticity and motor function, using the six-step Chinese...

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