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Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking Quick Reference


A quick reference for network engineers and administrators, who are implementing or have implemented Cisco wireless technologies.

  • Find 802.11 WLAN information quickly and easily with this handy reference

  • Access product information fast and make decisions easily

  • Configure and troubleshoot access points in a pinch

  • Secure your wireless network with helpful, easy-to-use tips

  • Tune and optimize your WLAN with hints and tips in this guide

Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking Quick Reference is a quick reference for network engineers and administrators who work with Cisco wireless technologies. It is a valuable hands-on quick reference for anyone planning, deploying, managing, optimizing, or troubleshooting a wireless network, and complements the suite of wireless networking books in the Cisco Press catalog. This easy-to-use hands-on pocket reference helps readers readily perform on-the-job tasks on wireless networks. Each chapter and section delivers easy-to-understand explanations and guidance network engineers can implement right away. Part I provides description and analysis of Cisco wireless LAN devices; Part II describes configuration essentialsl; and Part III illustrates troubleshooting, tuning, and performance management. This pocket reference be used by network professionals who are considering which Cisco wireless equipment to purchase; considering implementing a Cisco solution with other vendors' wireless gear; planning to add wireless capabilities to the local area network; configuring access points and client devices; managing wireless networks; analyzing and implementing security on wireless networks; performing maintenance, troubleshooting, and tuning or wireless networks.

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