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Communicating Knowledge: Publishing in the 21st Century (Topics in Library and Information Studies)

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, systems of communication are undergoing profound change. Some analysts see this change as revolutionary, comparable with the invention of printing in the west in the fifteenth century, or even of written language itself in the ancient world. Others see it as merely evolutionary, a further application of new technologies to the process of storing, transmitting and communicating information. All agree, however, that there has indeed been great change, symbolised by the development of the global system of communication between computers which we call the Internet. The Internet, however, is only the outward sign; it is the power of the computer itself which really underpins what has happened and what continues to happen, for this is the most powerful tool in history for the handling of information.

For the publishing industry, the development of new media of information storage and transmission represents a particular challenge. Publishers are essentially dealers in knowledge, and hence in the languages and symbols in which knowledge is put into permanent form for present and future use. The printed book – so recently the iconic cultural product of western society – suddenly seems in real danger of displacement not merely as a medium of entertainment and a tool of leisure (where its position has long been under threat), but also in the sphere where it has been almost unchallenged for 500 years as the container and purveyor of learning and ideas.
Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics

A comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of nonequilibrium thermodynamics

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics has emerged as a promising new field of study dealing with irreversible processes in matter, and is fundamental to understanding these systems on a wide range of length scales, including the micro- or...

Williams' Gynecology
Williams' Gynecology
The first guide to bridge the gap between medical and surgical gynecology

Written by clinicians from the same department of Obstetrics and Gynecology responsible for the landmark bestseller Williams Obstetrics, this full-color text and atlas offers a complete overview of gynecology that no other source can match. In...

Turn-Taking, Fingerspelling, and Contact in Signed Languages (Gallaudet Sociolinguistics)
Turn-Taking, Fingerspelling, and Contact in Signed Languages (Gallaudet Sociolinguistics)

Volume 8 of the Sociolinguistics in Deaf Communities series continues the tradition of the series with a collection of papers ranging in topics from variation in fingerspelling and the outcomes of ASL-English contact to the structure of sign language discourse, turn-taking strategies, and language attitudes. With studies in this volume from the...

The Ugly Truth about Small Business: 50 (Never-Saw-It-Coming) Things That Can Go Wrong...and What You Can Do about It
The Ugly Truth about Small Business: 50 (Never-Saw-It-Coming) Things That Can Go Wrong...and What You Can Do about It

You Are Not Alone

Being an entrepreneur is scary. From late payments to bank crisis, often the future of your business rides on one crucial decision--one you have to make all on your own.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Others have faced the same problems, and for the first time have gathered to share their

Designing Usable Electronic Text (Second Edition)
Designing Usable Electronic Text (Second Edition)
Designing Usable Electronic Text is without question an important resource to all professionals involved in the field of human-computer interaction and user interface designs.
- HCI International News, April 2005

[A]n engaging presentation of elements...

C++ Application Development with Code::Blocks
C++ Application Development with Code::Blocks

Develop advanced applications with Code::Blocks quickly and efficiently with this concise, hands-on guide


  • Successfully install and configure Code::Blocks for C++ development
  • Perform rapid application development with Code::Blocks
  • Work with advanced C++ features...
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