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Confident Public Speaking (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)

I wrote Confident Public Speaking because I believe anyone can become an effective public speaker, and that all of us can improve our public speaking skills. Effective public speaking is a process that improves as we cultivate it. Confident public speakers are not perfect at this craft but are effective at it, and effective public speakers are those who choose to work to develop their skills. Fundamentally, public speaking is a process that involves a series of steps focusing on aspects of content, structure, and delivery. That’s why each chapter of this book teaches important concepts and then step-by-step methods for applying the concepts to a speech.

Communication can be defined as the sending and receiving of verbal and nonverbal messages to create shared meaning. Public speaking is one context for communication. It is not, however, simply linear, the mere sending of a message by the speaker to be received by the listener. It is actually transactional, because messages are sent and received simultaneously by both speaker and listener. Both therefore play important roles in creating shared meaning, and Confident Public Speaking carefully considers the role each plays in a presentation.

Because becoming an effective public speaker is an evolutionary process that requires continual development and adaptation of skills for diverse audiences that change not only in specific situations but with society and the times, treating public speaking as a fixed set of skills ignores the opportunity to grow through such changes. Confident Public Speaking embraces those opportunities by considering public speaking skills to be fluid and adaptive, and trusting that everyone is capable of developing the skills to address diverse audiences in American society and others. Confident speaking is a journey, not a destination.
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