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Coviability of Social and Ecological Systems: Reconnecting Mankind to the Biosphere in an Era of Global Change: Vol. 2: Coviability Questioned by a Diversity of Situations


This second volume is the work of more than 55 authors from 15 different disciplines and includes complex systems science which studies the viability of components, and also the study of empirical situations. As readers will discover, the coviability of social and ecological systems is based on the contradiction between humanity, which adopts finalized objectives, and the biosphere, which refers to a ecological functions. We see how concrete situations shed light on the coviability’s determinants, and in this book the very nature of the coviability, presented as a concept-paradigm, is defined in a transversal and ontological ways.

By adopting a systemic approach, without advocating any economic dogma (such as development) or dichotomizing between humans and nature, while emphasizing what is relevant to humans and what is not, this work neutrally contextualizes man’s place in the biosphere. It offers a new mode of thinking and positioning of the ecological imperative, and will appeal to all those working with social and ecological systems.

Designing Digital Games: Create Games with Scratch! (Dummies Junior)
Designing Digital Games: Create Games with Scratch! (Dummies Junior)
The easy way for kids to get started with video game design

Is your youngster a designer at heart? Read on! Designing Digital Games helps children apply their design skills to video game design using Scratch—and this book! Introducing simple programming concepts over the course of three easy-to-follow projects,...

Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing
Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing

Fruits are botanically diverse, perishable, seasonal and predominantly regional in production. They come in many varieties, shapes and size, colors, flavors and textures and are an important part of a healthy diet and the global economy. Besides vitamins, minerals, fibers and other nutrients, fruits contain phenolic compounds that have...

Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks: Adventures in Better Web Apps (Pragmatic Programmers)
Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks: Adventures in Better Web Apps (Pragmatic Programmers)

Whether you need a new tool or just inspiration, Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks explores modern options, giving you a taste of each with ideas that will help you create better apps. You'll see frameworks that leverage modern programming languages, employ unique architectures, live client-side instead of server-side, or embrace...

jQuery Pocket Reference
jQuery Pocket Reference

"As someone who uses jQuery on a regular basis, it was surprising to discover how much of the library I’m not using. This book is indispensable for anyone who is serious about using jQuery for non-trivial applications." -- Raffaele Cecco, longtime developer of video games, including Cybernoid, Exolon, and...

Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 Hours
An easy-to-understand, step-by-step guide to installing, configuring, and using Red Hat Linux. Red Hat Linux is the most popular choice among Linux users in the U.S., with about 80% of the U.S. Linux market. Includes complete coverage of the new features of the upgrade to Red Hat, due out in Fall 2002. Assumes no prior knowledge of Linux and is an...
John Cleland's Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a woman of pleasure
John Cleland's Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a woman of pleasure
I sit down to give you an undeniable proof of my considering your desires as indispensable orders. Ungracious then as the task may be, I shall recall to view those scandalous stages of my life, out of which I emerg'd, at length, to the enjoyment of every blessing in the power of love, health, and fortune to bestow; whilst yet in the flower of...
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