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DB2(R) Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide

The official in-depth guide to passing IBM's DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706

Over 20,000 people test to become IBM Certified Database Administrators every year. Some will pass, many will not. This book is IBM's official companion to mastering the skills that you need to ensure that you pass Certification Exams 701 and 706.

Written by a member of the DB2 UDB Version 8.1 Certification Exam development team, DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Certification Exams 701 and 706 Study Guide delivers information that every database administrator should be familiar with before they take the DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Database Administrator certification exams.

Author and DB2 UDB expert Roger E. Sanders covers every aspect of DB2 UDB v8.1 in clear, concise, and well-ordered chapters that give you the information you need to maximize your effectiveness come test time. Sanders outlines every facet of DB2 UDB v8.1 that will be featured on the exams and does so in an in-depth, professional manner that can only come from an expert with four DB2 UDB Version 8 certifications.

Each chapter also features practice exam questions and answers, as well as explanations and breakdowns of every correct answer. There is no better way to prepare for the DB2 UDB V8.1 Certification exams!

If you're a DB2 database administrator and you would like to become IBM DB2 UDB certified, then look no further-this is a must-have companion for anyone wanting to take the 701 or 706 certification exams.

About the Author

ROGER E. SANDERS, Database Performance Engineer with NetworkAppliance, Inc., is author of seven books on DB2 Universal Database,including DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide. He hasworked with DB2 for more than 15 years and holds eight IBM DB2certifications, including IBM Certified Advanced Database Administrator-DB2 Universal Database V8.1, IBM Certified Application Developer-DB2 Universal Database V8.1, and IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert (DB2 for Clusters). He also speaks at the International DB2 User's Group (IDUG) and Regional User Group (RUG) conferences and is a regular contributor to DB2 Magazine.

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