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Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms (Springer Optimization and Its Applications)


Unlike other books on theoretical computer science, this textbook organizes approximation algorithms into chapters based on the design techniques for the algorithms. This allows the reader to study approximation algorithms of the same nature together.

Supply Chain Management Based on SAP Systems: Architecture and Planning Processes (SAP Excellence)
Supply Chain Management Based on SAP Systems: Architecture and Planning Processes (SAP Excellence)
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is not a buzzword like many others in management and IT - it is here to stay. "Megatrends" such as globalization and increasing specialization result in a complex division of labor at national and international levels. Lean and agile supply chains have become a major anagement target, and the...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference

When in 1986 Yves Kodratoff started the European Working Session on Learning at Orsay, France, it could not be foreseen that the conference would grow year by year and become the premier European conference of the field, attracting submissions from all over the world. The first European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge...

Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS
Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS
Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS, Second Edition, is a comprehensive and fully updated introduction to WCDMA radio access technology used in UMTS, featuring new content on key developments. Written by leading experts in the field, the first edition quickly established itself as a best-selling and highly respected book on...

Microservices: Building Scalable Software
Microservices: Building Scalable Software

With the introduction of the cloud, enterprise application development moved from monolithic applications to small, lightweight, and process-driven components called microservices.

Microservices architecture is a style of software architecture, which makes application development easier and offers great flexibility to utilize

Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems: Design, Construction, and Operations
Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems: Design, Construction, and Operations


Plan, design, construct, and operate a sustainable on-site CHP (combined heat and power) facility using the detailed information in this practical guide. Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems reveals how to substantially increase the energy efficiency in commercial,...

Living Well with Parkinson's
Living Well with Parkinson's
Glenna Atwood shared her experiences and insights about how
she and her family coped with Parkinson’s disease in the first edition
of Living Well with Parkinson’s.

Her words were educational and inspirational to many people
affected by this intrusion in their life’s plan. Glenna, with Blaine—...
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