Our manuals facilitate your learning by providing structured interaction with the
software itself. While we provide text to explain difficult concepts, the hands-on
activities are the focus of our courses. By paying close attention as your instructor leads
you through these activities, you’ll learn the skills and concepts effectively.
We believe strongly in the instructor-led class. During class, focus on your instructor.
Our manuals are designed and written to facilitate your interaction with your instructor
and not to call attention to manuals themselves.
We believe in the basic approach of setting expectations, delivering instruction, and
providing summary and review afterwards. For this reason, lessons begin with
objectives and end with summaries. We also provide overall course objectives and a
course summary to provide both an introduction to and closure on the entire course. |
Energy and Climate: How to achieve a successful energy transition
Despite global concerns over dwindling resources, climate change and carbon dioxide emissions, fossil fuels still account for more than 80% of the world’s energy demands. As resources diminish and demand increases from rapidly developing nations such as China and India, the threat to both our environment and the security of our energy... | | Steam Plant Operation 9th Edition
The definitive guide for steam power plant systems and operation?fully updated
For more than 75 years, this book has been a trusted source of information on steam power plants, including the design, operation, and maintenance of major systems. Steam Plant Operation, Ninth Edition, emphasizes the importance... | | PHP Web Services: APIs for the Modern Web
Whether you’re sharing data between two internal systems or building an API so that users can access their data, this practical guide has everything you need to build APIs with PHP. Author Lorna Jane Mitchell provides lots of hands-on code samples, real-world examples, and advice based on her extensive experience to guide you... |