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Information Technology Control and Audit, Third Edition

The book is very useful for beginners as well as practitioners …well written and presented. ... should provide resiliency to IT security in the emerging cyberworld.
Information Systems Control Journal

Now in its third edition, this book is an excellent introductory reference to IT governance, controls, and auditing. It covers a wide range of topics in the field. It reviews pertinent legislation, discusses the future of auditing in the 21st century, and examines governance, strategy and standards, and acquisition and implementation. In a section on delivery and support, it explores service management, service continuity, systems management, and operations management. Finally, the authors review advanced topics such as virtual environment, virtual security, e-commerce, and enterprise resource planning. This new edition also includes guidelines for preparing for CISA Exam, and includes numerous illustrations, graphs and charts to help readers visualize the concepts.

About the Author

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA California University, Pomona, USA
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