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Java Programming

Java Programming, 9781285081953 (1285081951), Cengage Learning, 2013
Java Programming, Seventh Edition, provides the beginning programmer with a guide to developing applications using the Java programming language. Java is popular among professional programmers because it can be used to build visually interesting graphical user interface (GUI) and Web-based applications. Java also provides an excellent environment for the beginning programmer—a student can quickly build useful programs while learning the basics of structured and object-oriented programming techniques.

This textbook assumes that you have little or no programming experience. This book provides a solid background in good object-oriented programming techniques and introduces terminology using clear, familiar language. The writing is nontechnical and emphasizes good programming practices. The programming examples are business examples; they do not assume a mathematical background beyond high-school business math. In addition, the examples illustrate only one or two major points; they do not contain so many features that you become lost following irrelevant and extraneous details. The explanations in this textbook are written clearly in straightforward sentences, making it easier for native and non-native English speakers alike to master the programming concepts. Complete, working programs appear frequently in each chapter; these examples help students make the transition from the theoretical to the practical. The code presented in each chapter can also be downloaded from the publisher’s Web site, so students can easily run the programs and experiment with changes to them.

The student using Java Programming, Seventh Edition, builds applications from the bottom up rather than starting with existing objects. This facilitates a deeper understanding of the concepts used in object-oriented programming and engenders appreciation for the existing objects students use as their knowledge of the language advances. When students complete this book, they will know how to modify and create simple Java programs, and they will have the tools to create more complex examples. They also will have a fundamental knowledge of object-oriented programming, which will serve them well in advanced Java courses or in studying other object-oriented languages such as C++, C#, and Visual Basic.
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