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Java Web Services

Java Web Services, 9780596002695 (0596002696), O'Reilly, 2002
Java Web Services shows you how to use SOAP to perform remote method calls and message
passing; how to use WSDL to describe the interface to a web service or understand
the interface of someone else's service; and how to use UDDI to advertise (publish) and look
up services in each local or global registry. Java Web Services also discusses security issues,
interoperability issues, integration with other Java enterprise technologies like EJB; the work
being done on the JAXM and JAX-RPC packages, and integration with Microsoft's .NET

This book explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of web services and the Java
technologies built around web services. It provides a straightforward, no-nonsense
explanation of the underlying technology, Java classes and interfaces, programming models,
and various implementations.

Although this book focuses on the fundamentals, it's no "for Dummy's" book. Readers are
expected to have an understanding of Java and XML. Web service APIs are easy to learn, but
can be tedious. Before reading this book, you should be fluent in the Java language and have
some practical experience developing business solutions. If you are unfamiliar with the Java
language, we recommend that you pick up a copy of Learning Java by Patrick Neimeyer and
Jonathan Knudsen (formerly Exploring Java) (O'Reilly). If you need a stronger background in
distributed computing, we recommend Java Distributed Computing by Jim Farley (O'Reilly).
If you need additional information on XML, we recommend Java and XML by Brett
McLaughlin (O'Reilly) and XML in a Nutshell by Elliotte Harold and W. Scott Means
(O'Reilly). Other O'Reilly books covering web services include Programing Web Services
with SOAP by Doug Tidwell, James Snell, and Pavel Kulchenko and Programming Web
Services with XML-RPC by Simon St. Laurent, Joe Johnston, and Edd Dumbill.
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