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LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing

LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing, 9780071444927 (0071444920), McGraw-Hill, 2005
Create sophisticated DSP virtual instruments with LabVIEW

Take full advantage of all the digital signal processing capabilities LabVIEW has to offer with help from this hands-on tutorial. Readers will learn, step-by-step, how to use this revolutionary graphical development environment to build flexible and scalable digital signal acquisition, measurement analysis, and data presentation applications.

From basic filters to complex sampling mechanisms to signal generators, LabVIEW virtual instruments (VIs) enable rapid and inexpensive digital signal processing. Ideal for engineers working on cutting-edge communication systems, this detailed learning guide offers solutions for creating applications that interface with real-world signals, analyzing data for meaningful information, and sharing results.

Comprehensive coverage includes:

  • LabVIEW Fourier tools
  • Designing with built-in filtering routines
  • Optimizing and improving speed
  • IQ modulation
  • Time and frequency synchronization
  • Evaluating system performance

Getting started * Digital signal processing and LabVIEW: How do they fit together? * Signal acquisition * Building blocks * Spectral analysis * Designing and using digital filters * Multirate processing * Building a communication system * Generating signals * Demodulation

About the Author
Cory L. Clark is a senior software engineer with Motorola and has developed many LabVIEW-based DSP tools. He holds a master's degree in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech.

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