| The Sacramento Bee "If you've got a Linux computer you'd like to use, this will show you how to get the job done."
Slashdot "A useful and freindly KDE-centric introduction to Linux for nongeeks."
Billings Gazette "...a book for the productivity-minded person using a Linux based machine."
Linux in the Workplace introduces Linux users to the desktop capabilities of Linux and the K Desktop Environment (KDE) graphical user interface, a powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment for UNIX workstations. Includes information on how to use email and surf the Internet; perform general office-related tasks; work with the command line; and much more.
Traditionally, Linux has been a favorite operating system of the more technically literate computer users. So, you’ll find many Linux books that tell you Linux is like UNIX (it is), how to load Linux, why Linux is g reat, and how to do specific things with Linux (such as run a webserver). There are also many books that go into great detail about how to use specific software available for Linux (such as The GIMP graphics program), as well as books that compare Microsoft Windows’ features to those of Linux.
This book is different in that we assume you don’t want to install Linux, don’t want to learn how to be a system administrator, and aren’t concerned with doing some of the more complicated tasks. We assume you already have a working Linux system on your desk and need to use it to get your work done. That work probably involves email, the Web, working with documents, and performing general office tasks. Additionally, we assume that, in most cases, you will want to use the KDE graphical user interface (GUI) that comes with Linux to perform these tasks. (Of course, once you become proficient at all these tasks, you may want to learn what the command line is and how to do some tasks more efficiently from it.)
This book is also unique in that it is the product of a number of employees at our company, SSC. Contributors include Phil Hughes, our publisher; Carlie Fairchild, Rebecca Cassity, Clarica Grove, and James Gray from the marketing department; Richard Vernon, Jill Franklin, Don Marti, Heather Mead, and Joel Megal from editorial; our graphic artist, Lydia Kinata; our webmaster, Scott Blanchard; and one of our sy stem administrators, Mike Orr.
About the Author SPECIALIZED SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, INC. (SSC) publishes Linux Journal, the premier magazine of the Linux community, and is an established leader in the Linux, Open Source, and UNIX fields |