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Maternal and Fetal Cardiovascular Disease


This book provides an excellent review of the modern management of heart disease in pregnancy, introducing related state-of-the-art research.

Maternal circulatory status dynamically changes throughout pregnancy and delivery. The number of pregnancies complicated by cardiovascular disease has increased in recent years due to better outcomes for patients with congenital heart disease as a result of improved surgical techniques, newly diagnosed cardiovascular diseases such as channelopathy, and increased maternal age.

Pregnancy once was a contraindication for women with cardiovascular disease; however, it has been found that many women with cardiovascular disease can tolerate pregnancy and delivery. On the other hand, cardiovascular events including maternal death do occur in some cases.

Clinical knowledge and skills in both obstetrics and cardiology are required to manage pregnancy accompanied by cardiovascular disease. Seen in that light, this book provides essential reading for obstetricians, cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and all medical personnel involved in the care of pregnant women with heart disease and congenital cardiac disease.

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