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Means, Ends and Medical Care (Philosophy and Medicine)


In this remarkable book, Gary Wright focuses thirty years’ experience as a family physician, and his Ph.D. in philosophy, to address the nature of good medical reasoning. Wright folds cognitive science into a pragmatist framework developed by John Dewey; this alternative view of mind and medical judgment leads to a model of reasoning that offers realistic guidance for medical decisions, one that each of us would want our own physicians to adopt.

Chess For Dummies
Chess For Dummies
It was inevitable, thank goodness, that the Dummies series would give us an introductory chess book. The light touch is perfect to offset the sober aura of mystery that surrounds the game in many people's minds. And the extras that reach beyond the well-written move explanations, strategies, and pattern-recognition make the book a real...
Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 Databases: From Novice to Professional

This book picks up where Beginning ASP.NET: From Novice to Professional left off, focusing on database programming with ASP.NET. As an ASP.NET developer, you probably need to access your databases quickly and efficiently. This book will provide you with the skills to do so, teaching you best practices and methods that will help...

Foundation ActionScript for Flash MX
Foundation ActionScript for Flash MX
With the release of Flash MX, scripting in Flash has moved from being a desirable asset to an essential skill in the world of web design. ActionScript is, quite simply, the center of power in Flash, and it's no surprise that most of the advances in Flash MX are script-centric.

ActionScript is that scary (ode

Mass Spectrometry in Medicinal Chemistry: Applications in Drug Discovery, Volume 36 (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
Mass Spectrometry in Medicinal Chemistry: Applications in Drug Discovery, Volume 36 (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)

This first overview of mass spectrometry-based pharmaceutical analysis is the key to improved high-throughput drug screening, rational drug design and analysis of multiple ligand-target interactions. The ready reference opens with a general introduction to the use of mass spectrometry in pharmaceutical screening, followed by a detailed...

Access 2007: The Missing Manual
Access 2007: The Missing Manual
Compared to industrial-strength database products such as Microsoft's SQL Server, Access is a breeze to use. It runs on PCs rather than servers and is ideal for small- to mid-sized businesses and households. But Access is still intimidating to learn. It doesn't help that each new version crammed in yet another set of features; so many, in fact,...
Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

A top-selling guide to Exchange Server-now fully updated for Exchange Server 2010.

Keep your Microsoft messaging system up to date and protected with the very newest version, Exchange Server 2010, and this comprehensive guide. Whether you're upgrading from Exchange Server 2007 SP1 or earlier, installing for the first time, or...

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