An exhaustive treatment of a phenomenon that causes family tragedy worldwide, this book fills a major gap in the current literature. Despite advances in neonatal care, neonatal cerebral injury remains a major cause of morbidity, mortality and disabilities. Cranial ultrasonography provides information on brain maturation in the (preterm) neonate and enables detection of frequently occurring brain anomalies in this patient group. A recent book showing high quality normal ultrasound images is lacking. This work deals with the basics of neonatal cranial ultrasonography and can be used as a reference-book providing essential information about the procedure and normal ultrasound anatomy. |
 |  |  Understanding Arabs: A Contemporary Guide to Arab Society
Perhaps now more than ever, Margaret Nydell's Understanding Arabs is a must-read. The fifth edition of this classic introduction to Arab culture has been completely revised and updated to help readers understand the complex issues playing out on the world stage such as the Arab Spring. Understanding Arabs: A Contemporary Guide... |  |  Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science: 8th International Doctoral Workshop, MEMICS 2012, Znojmo, Czech Republic, October 25-28, ... Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This volume contains the post-proceedings of the 8th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science, MEMICS 2012, held in Znojmo, Czech Republic, in October, 2012. The 13 thoroughly revised papers were carefully selected out of 31 submissions and are presented together with 6 invited papers. The topics covered by... |