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Practical Microsoft Office 2010 (Sam 2010 Compatible Products)


PRACTICAL OFFICE 2010 provides clear instruction on the basics of the Microsoft Office 2010 suite. Concise lessons within each chapter, usually one page in length, are presented in an appealing Frequently Asked Questions format and include full-color screenshots or diagrams. This textbook comes with a robust BookOnCD, which is a digital version of the textbook that "brings the book to life" with videos, animated diagrams, software tours, and assessment opportunities that can be graded and tracked. Students are given the opportunity to get plenty of practice with 30 projects in the back of the book.

At last, here is a book about the computers that people really use, with practical tips about how to use them. Practical Microsoft Office 2010 provides a state-of-the-art introduction to Microsoft Office software, written in an easy-to-read style. In addition to the printed book, you receive a multimedia version of the entire printed textbook that also includes videos and interactive elements such as pop-up definitions, software tutorials, and practice tests.

This book provides a focused introduction to the most important features of Microsoft Office 2010. It is designed to teach you what you really need to know about this popular software suite so that you can use it for practical tasks at school, at work, or at home.

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