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Robotics (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering)


This supplementary introductory tutorial treats the following subjects: the basic characteristics of industrial robot mechanisms; the pose and movement of an object, which are described by homogenous transformation matrices; a geometric model of robot mechanism; a short introduction into kinematics and dynamics of robots; robot sensors and the planning of robot trajectories; basic control schemes resulting in either desired end-effector trajectory or force; robot grippers and feeding devices, which are described together with the basics of robot vision; the planning of robot assembly; and finally, robot standards and safety are briefly dealt with. The book concludes with a glossary in English, French and German.

Optical Character Recognition (Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering)
Optical Character Recognition (Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering)

As optical character recognition (OCR) begins to find applications ranging from store checkout scanners to money-changing machines and postal system automation, it has become one of the most dynamic areas in information science today. Yet few volumes explore this data-oriented process without relying heavily on mathematical background...

Problem Solving and Data Analysis Using Minitab: A Clear and Easy Guide to Six Sigma Methodology
Problem Solving and Data Analysis Using Minitab: A Clear and Easy Guide to Six Sigma Methodology

Six Sigma statistical methodology using Minitab

Problem Solving and Data Analysis using Minitab presents example-based learning to aid readers in understanding how to use MINITAB 16 for statistical analysis and problem solving. Each example and exercise is broken down into the exact steps that must be followed in...

Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects
Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects
Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects was created as a voyage of discover}* for children, adults, science buffs, and for those curious at heart of all ages. This book was designed to provide a spark for the curiosity seeker, as well as to inspire curious children, students, and adults alike toward experimentation...

The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle
The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle

Knowledge is power, and the power can be yours

While Oracle continues to improve the security features of its product, it still has a long way to go. David Litchfield has devoted years to relentlessly searching out the flaws in this ubiquitous database system and creating defenses against them. Now he offers you...

Troubleshooting Oracle Performance
Troubleshooting Oracle Performance

Troubleshooting Oracle Performance, 2nd Edition is your systematic guide to diagnosing and resolving performance problems in database-backed applications involving Oracle's database engine. Christian Antognini brings a decade and a half experience to his topic. His first edition is one of the most well-respected books in its...

The Great Book of Questions and Answers: Over 1000 Questions and Answers
The Great Book of Questions and Answers: Over 1000 Questions and Answers

The universe is a huge open space made up of billions of galaxies and an even larger number of stars. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our solar system, including the Sun, the planets and their moons, forms just a tiny part of the Milky Way.

The Great Book of Questions and Answers is a comprehensive, fact-packed reference book...

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