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SAS 9.2 SQL Query Window User's Guide

Explains how to design reports with PROC REPORT based on your output from the SQL Query Window. Covers basic query concepts, how to perform queries on single and multiple tables, how to use advanced SQL Query Window features, and how to customize the SQL Query Window environment.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language that retrieves and updates data in relational tables and databases. SAS implements SQL through the SQL procedure.

The SQL Query Window is an interactive interface that enables you to build, save, and run queries (requests to retrieve data) without being familiar with SQL or with the SAS SQL procedure. The query that you build in the SQL Query Window is passed to the SQL procedure or to the REPORT procedure for processing when you run the query.
Technische Fluidmechanik (German Edition)
Technische Fluidmechanik (German Edition)

In dem Buch werden die Grundlagen der Fluidmechanik und deren praxisbezogene Anwendung vermittelt. Dabei sind die strömungstechnischen Phänomene nicht nur beschrieben und mathematisch exakt oder näherungsweise dargestellt, sie werden auch physikalisch begründet und erklärt. Zum besseren Verständnis sind die...

Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Contexts and Practices (Apacall Book)
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Contexts and Practices (Apacall Book)
The APACALL Book Series covers a wide range of issues in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and offers opportunities for CALL researchers and practitioners to engage in research and discussion on their areas of interest.This book explores various facets of CALL and presents the findings of recent work in CALL that are of direct relevance...
Windows XP in 10 Steps or Less
Windows XP in 10 Steps or Less
If you need Windows XP solutions fast, then this book is for you–whether you’re new to Windows XP or you need help dealing with the applications that come with it. Open the book and you’ll discover clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key Windows XP tasks, each presented in ten quick steps–or less....

Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS
Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS

Call it a control thing, but until recently--or, more specifically, until the availability of digital raw camera formats--you simply weren't ready to make the move to digital photography. Raw formats, however, changed all of that by allowing you to retrieve images before any in-camera processing has been performed. Photoshop's...

Micro Fuel Cells: Principles and Applications
Micro Fuel Cells: Principles and Applications
A definitive guide to Microfuel Cells principles and applications.

Today's consumers of portable electronics consumers are demanding devices not only deliver more power but also work healthy for the environment. This fact alone has lead major corporations like Intel, BIC, Duracell and Microsoft to believe that Microfuel Cells
Taking Your Android Tablets to the Max
Taking Your Android Tablets to the Max
Silently, and without warning, the Android operating system has quickly dominated the mobile ecosystem. This operating system exists in many forms, across many devices, and offers a rich selection of powerful features that could completely change how you accomplish tasks throughout your day. If you’re looking for a tablet or...
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