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Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Advanced Topics

Electromagnetic wave scattering is an active, interdisciplinary area of research with myriad practical applications in fields ranging from atomic physics to medical imaging to geoscience and remote sensing. In particular, the subject of wave scattering by random discrete scatterers and rough surfaces presents great theoretical challenges due to the large degrees of freedom
in these systems and the need to include multiple scattering effects accurately. n the past three decades, considerable theoretical progress has been made in elucidating and understanding the scattering processes involved in such problems. Diagrammatic techniques and effective medium theories remain essential for analytical studies; however, rapid advances in computer technology have opened new doors for researchers with the full power of Monte Carlo simulations in the numerical analysis of random media scattering. Numerical simulations allow us to solve the Maxwell equations exactly without the limitations of analytical approximations, whose regimes of validity are often difficult to assess. Thus it is our aim to present in these three volumes a balanced picture of both theoretical and numerical methods that are commonly used for tackling electromagnetic wave scattering problems. While our book places an emphasis on remote sensing applications, the materials covered here should be useful for students and researchers from a variety of backgrounds as in, for example, composite materials, photonic devices, optical thin films, lasers, optical tomography, and X-ray lithography. Introductory chapters and sections are also added so that the materials can be readily understood by graduate students. We hope that our book would help stimulate new ideas and innovative approaches to electromagnetic wave scattering in the years to come.
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