| Clients often ask why we choose Solaris as an operating environment. Is it a decision based on price? Is it an attraction to the latest gizmo features, each with its own four-letter acronym? Do we have a cozy arrangement with Sun Microsystems to promote their operating system? The answer to each of these questions is no, no, NO! The operating system is at the very core of any computer system. It is the conceptual basis upon which applications are built, and it implements the critical software interface to hardware that makes computation possible. Thus, if your operating system fails, irrespective of the quality of your hardware or application software, your system as a whole will not deliver. That's why we firmly believe that reliable performance is the key criterion for the evaluation of any operating system. We're not just talking about reliability in terms of a specific variable, such as uptime-we mean the confidence that comes from knowing that the applications you design will only fail if they have an internal bug. Solaris isn't perfect-far from it-but unlike other currently popular operating environments, Solaris does have the ability to isolate all potentially hazardous user or application activity from other users or applications. It is this logical isolation, built in to the system from the earliest days of UNIX, that gives us confidence. The Solaris operating environment consists of all the tools, applications, and services that make use of the Sun Operating System (SunOS). SunOS is now in |