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Starship Therapise: Using Therapeutic Fanfiction to Rewrite Your Life

I write this foreword during a pandemic of epic proportion, one not only wrought by nature but also helped along by those entrusted with her care. It may very well be that we are actualizing the Terminator’s prophecy when he matter-of-factly proclaimed, as if simply reading from the pages of history, that “it is in your nature to destroy yourselves.” The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse seem to be galloping at full stride, driving humanity, or perhaps leading it into the abyss. Our nonfictional leaders, who have the power to grab the reins and pull us back from the precipice, have seemingly failed us. So perhaps there is comfort in the knowledge that the alternate universe of fictional characters we have created may very well be the ones to save us.

The average person on the street is not likely contemplating that moment when our sun collapses upon itself, when the animals we have exiled to the fragile margins finally exact their revenge, or when we finally annihilate ourselves. More likely, the average person, if there is such an entity, struggles to maintain a grasp on their sanity while managing the unrelenting demands of day-to-day survival. And it is to that latter group that this book is directed.

When I was asked by Larisa and Justine to write this foreword, they were already known to me from the wonderful blogs on Therapeutic Fanfiction they’ve written for Psychotherapy.net, where I am the editor, and the chapter they have contributed—“Beyond Cannon: Therapeutic Fan Fiction and the Queer Hero’s Journey”—to my book Using Superheroes and Villains in Counseling and Play Therapy. They had me at mythology and Star Trek, two defining elements of our popular culture that are close to my heart, skin (via tattoos), and writing, both professional and personal
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