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The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development: A cheat sheet to The Four Steps to the Epiphany


“This is a must read for all startups and stakeholders.”
Steve Blank, author of The 4 Steps to the Epiphany, creator of Customer Development methodology

“The Entrepreneur’s Guide is an easy read. It is written in a conversational tone, doesn’t take itself too seriously, and avoids extraneous fluff.”

Eric Ries, Author & Creator of the Lean Startup methodology

“Get the CustDev book to dive deep into customer interviews and understand how your product can be developed to meet your customers' needs.”

Dan Martell, Founder of Flowtown, angel investor

Customer Development is a four-step framework for helping startups discover and validate their customers, product, and go-to-market strategy, developed by Steve Blank and an integral part of Eric Ries' Lean Startup methodology. Focused on the Customer Discovery step, The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development is an easy to follow guide for finding early adopters, building a Minimum Viable Product, finding Product-Market fit, and establishing a sales and marketing roadmap.

Deemed a "must-read" by Steve Blank and Eric Ries, inside you will find detailed customer development and lean startup concept definitions, a step-by-step approach to best practices, a business model analysis guide, case studies, rich graphics, as well as worksheets and exercises. No matter the stage of your business, you will return often to this guide to learn how to build a product people want ;"get out of the building;" foster strong customer relationships; test business model risk; reach out to early adopters; conduct startup marketing; create a customer funnel based on buyers' process; and prepare your startup to scale up.

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development: A Cheat Sheet to The Four Steps to the Epiphany, affectionately known as the “CustDev book,” serves as course text for classes at Stanford University, University of Chicago, Boston University, DePaul University, University of Minnesota and University of Norway.

“Our UCL (University College London) students love The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development. Thanks to Brant & Patrick for writing this helpful book. ”

Dave Chapman, Deputy Head of the Department of Management Science and Innovation at UCL (University College London)

“Love it! Required reading for all NYU entrepreneurs.”

Frank Rimalovski, Managing Director of NYU Innovation Venture Fund

This book is both an introduction for those unfamiliar with lean concepts and highly actionable for lean practitioners. It is a user friendly guide, written to be accessible to marketing professionals, Engineers startup founders and entrepreneurs, VCs, angels, and anyone else involved in building scalable startups.

Existing companies will benefit to from applying Customer Development principles described in detail herein: for example, startups struggling to achieve market traction, or well established companies seeking to spark new innovation.

This is a business book for startups like no other. No fluff, but rather sound principles and concrete steps to take to build your business. Get up to speed on Customer Development now.

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