A world without data storage is like a mankind without memory. Thanks to various information storage methods developed in the last 22,000 years, we are able to document our history, to learn from each other's experience, and, ultimately, to create the world as it is today.
The future of computing is dependent on how well the enormous amount of generated information will be managed. But which technology will be used in the future to store new knowledge and experiences? Will we use holographic storage? Or store data by moving single atoms? Or will data be stored via the Internet on huge storage servers 10,000 miles away from your home? Or will the more traditional magnetic and optical recording technologies survive for the next 10 to 50 years? It is hard to guess. The amount of data we have generated so far is small compared to what is coming tomorrow.
The purpose of this book is to provide a practical guide and an easy reference for the majority of computer users and technical professionals. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced PC user, you will find here some useful information on computer storage systems design, selection, and technology.
The focus of this book is on the various types of computer storage devices: hard disk drive, DVD, CD, removable media storage systems (such as Zip, Jaz, etc.), RAID, and others. The book also discusses interfacing storage with a computer via IDE, SCSI, USB, FireWire, and other interface protocols. A possible future of the Web storage will also be addressed as an alternative storage technology.
Special chapters will discuss selection of storage systems for your computer and will deal with accidental data loss. An extensive glossary of PC data storage terms will complete the book. At the very end, references for further learning and a deeper understanding of the discussed subjects will be provided.
This book is not intended to be a "nuts-and-bolts" textbook. Also, by no means can it be a complete guide to a subject that is evolving continuously. Even now, as I write these words, new ideas are being born, new technologies are being invented, new companies are being started to surprise others with the newest, hottest storage product.
Instead, this book tries to serve as an essential guide to the computer storage technology of today, and even sometimes makes a short-term prediction of the future.