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The Immune System, 4th Edition

The Immune System, 4th Edition, 9780815344667 (081534466X), Garland Science, 2014

The Immune System, Fourth Edition emphasizes the human immune system and presents immunological concepts in a coherent, concise, and contemporary account of how the immune system works. Written for undergraduate, medical, veterinary, dental, and pharmacy students, it makes generous use of medical examples to illustrate points. This classroom-proven textbook offers clear writing, full-color illustrations, and section and chapter summaries that make the book accessible and easily understandable to students.

The Fourth Edition is a major revision that brings the content up-to-date and improves clarity. Based on user feedback, there is now increased continuity and connectivity between chapters.

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MongoDB for Java Developers

Design, build, and deliver efficient Java applications using the most advanced NoSQL database

About This Book

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  • Explore the list of libraries that are already available to assist...
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.NET Enterprise Design with Visual Basic .NET and SQL Server 2000
.NET Enterprise Design with Visual Basic .NET and SQL Server 2000

This book discusses factors and opinions developers should consider in order to create higher quality designs and applications. The author uses one large-scale business application throughout the book as the basis for all examples to clearly illustrate concepts being discussed.

Coverage also includes:

Teach Yourself Tcp/Ip in 14 Days
Teach Yourself Tcp/Ip in 14 Days
As you might imagine, Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days provides a rapid introduction to the TCP/IP protocols and to a few commonly used applications that are built on top of them. The discussion is very lucid and emphasizes the fundamental concepts behind a given protocol; it does a good job of not letting the mass of details obscure the...
Implementing Domain-Driven Design
Implementing Domain-Driven Design

“For software developers of all experience levels looking to improve their results, and design and implement domain-driven enterprise applications consistently with the best current state of professional practice, Implementing Domain-Driven Design will impart a treasure trove of knowledge hard won within the DDD and...

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