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The Role of EU Agencies in the Eurozone and Migration Crisis: Impact and Future Challenges (European Administrative Governance)

This book provides a wealth of empirical material to understand key aspects of EU governance including its plurality of actors and policy making modes and its functioning during crisis management. Authored by legal scholars and political scientists, it presents new research and insights on the role of EU agencies in the context of the Euro and migration crises. Specifically, the contributions assess why the crises have led to the creation of new EU agencies and what roles these agencies have performed since their inception; how the crisis, notably the migration crisis, has impacted on existing EU agencies; how EU agencies have shaped the policies during and after the crises; and, how the crisis has affected the accountability of EU agencies. This book is essential in understanding the intricacies of EU crisis management and the specific role of EU agencies therein, as well as EU governance more broadly.          
Metaheuristic Optimization: Nature-Inspired Algorithms Swarm and Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 927)
Metaheuristic Optimization: Nature-Inspired Algorithms Swarm and Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 927)
This book exemplifies how algorithms are developed by mimicking nature. Classical techniques for solving day-to-day problems is time-consuming and cannot address complex problems. Metaheuristic algorithms are nature-inspired optimization techniques for solving real-life complex problems. This book emphasizes the social behaviour of insects,...
Launching Your Yahoo! Business
Launching Your Yahoo! Business
You've made the decision to take your business online, but where do you go from here?  Launching Your Yahoo! Business helps you do everything from creating a business plan to using basic marketing strategies to promote your business to managing a Yahoo! store. It also includes tips and warnings on...
Photonic Network-on-Chip Design (Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Photonic Network-on-Chip Design (Integrated Circuits and Systems)

This book provides a comprehensive synthesis of the theory and practice of photonic devices for networks-on-chip. It outlines the issues in designing photonic network-on-chip architectures for future many-core high performance chip multiprocessors. The discussion is built from the bottom up: starting with the design and implementation of key...

Remote Sensing Monitoring and Evaluation of Degraded Grassland in China: Accounting of Grassland Carbon Source and Carbon Sink (Springer Geography)
Remote Sensing Monitoring and Evaluation of Degraded Grassland in China: Accounting of Grassland Carbon Source and Carbon Sink (Springer Geography)
This book focuses on grassland ecosystem evaluation including vegetation coverage, net primary productivity, carbon sink accounting, and grassland degradation evaluation based on mutual data resource, ecosystem model simulation, remote sensing monitoring and driving mechanism exploration. It aims to provide a guide seeking to understand the...
Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness
Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness
This book celebrates Albert Einstein’s 1905. In six months Einstein wrote five papers that deeply influenced the course of twentieth-century science. These papers from the hand of a thenunknown physicist make 1905 one of the most memorable years in the history of science and, without doubt, make the six months from March 17 to September 27...
Mastering Red Hat Linux 7
Mastering Red Hat Linux 7
Join the Red Hat Revolution!
Newly revised and updated, Mastering Red Hat Linux is the essential guide to the world's leading Linux distribution. Inside, you'll find everything you need to know to install, configure, use, and optimize Red Hat Linux. You'll even find the operating system itself-the Publisher's Edition of Red Hat Linux 7.1,
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