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Wireless A to Z

Wireless A to Z, 9780071410885 (0071410880), McGraw-Hill, 2002

In today’s information-rich environment, a business operating without a cogent wireless communications strategy is destined for failure. That’s why, if designing, maintaining, or upgrading wireless and mobile communications systems is part of your work, you need the detailed insight and professional guidance of Wireless A to Z.

Written by a noted industry expert in an easy-to-read style, Wireless A to Z delivers nearly 100 in-depth articles covering a broad range of wireless issues. From CDMA, 3G, GPRS, to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, this book provides you with everything you need to keep the benefits of wireless working hard for your business, telecommuters, and mobile employees.

Plus, the book’s wealth of informative illustrations ensures you’ll come away with a firm understanding of the complete gamut of wireless topics. With wireless and mobile communications continuing to develop in scope, diversity, and acceptance, this book is the one-stop resource no telecommunications professional should work without!


  • 3G Wireless Services
  • Bluetooth
  • Data Compression
  • Fixed Wireless Access
  • Global Positioning System
  • Infrared Networking
  • Laser Transmission
  • Paging
  • Personal Digital Assistants
  • Short Messaging Service
  • Spectrum Planning
  • Wireless Equivalent Privacy
  • Wireless LANs/WiFi
  • Wireless Local Loop
  • Wireless Messaging

About the Author
Nathan J. Muller is an independent consultant specializing in advanced technology marketing, research, and education. He has more than 25 years of experience in the field, and previously held technical and marketing positions with General DataComm Industries, Planning Research Corp., and ITT Telecom. Mr. Muller is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Network Management, is a frequent contributor to major professional journals, and is author of such top-selling technical books as Desktop Encyclopedia of Voice and Data Networking and Desktop Encyclopedia of the Internet.

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