Co-author of this book, and early member of the SilverStripe open source community.
It wasn’t too long ago when a fellow developer at work asked me to look at his screen. He had stumbled across some new technology, and asked: ‘Hey, have you heard about this?’ All too often such questions are answered with a ‘Yeah. Completely useless!’, but sometimes the answer is ‘No’. It’s in those times that a feeling of anxiety creeps in – did I miss a potentially groundbreaking development on the Internet? In this case I decided to defer my answer, and stopped what I was doing to investigate further.
It’s a good thing to keep in mind that in our current working environment every person is basically a human content-filter who must grapple with the daily excess of digital information. New products and ideas confront us so often, they don’t get the attention they deserve. Hence, a presentation of a ‘cool new thing’ has only a few seconds of your attention in which to grab your interest, as every marketing guy will tell you.
As you might have guessed, my colleague was showing me SilverStripe for the first time, and he succeeded in quickly gathering my interest. The fact that you’re reading this book probably means that you’re starting with a certain eagerness towards this ‘new thing’, too.