Digital People: From Bionic Humans to AndroidsRobots, androids, and bionic people pervade popular culture, from classics like Frankenstein and R.U.R. to modern tales such as The Six Million Dollar Man, The Terminator, and A.I. Our fascination is obvious – and the technology is quickly moving from books and films to real life.
In a lab at MIT, scientists and technicians have created... |  |  Schrodinger's Rabbits: The Many Worlds of Quantum"Usually quantum fuzziness appears only in ultratiny arenas, on a scale smaller than a golf ball to the degree that the golf ball is smaller than Texas. But nowadays, in labs around the world, scientists are plotting to release quantum weirdness from its subatomic prison. Before too long, quantum news won't be just for the science section... |  |  Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of AlgebraPrime Obsession taught us not to be afraid to put the math in a math book. Unknown Quantity heeds the lesson well. So grab your graphing calculators, slip out the slide rules, and buckle up! John Derbyshire is introducing us to algebra through the ages—and it promises to be just what his die-hard fans have been waiting... |