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My New iPad: A User's Guide (3rd Edition) (My New... (No Starch Press))
My New iPad: A User's Guide (3rd Edition) (My New... (No Starch Press))
There’s an old story about blind men examining an elephant. Based on what they feel, each man concludes that the elephant is something completely different—one man believes the elephant is a tree, another man a snake, the third a wall. When you first share your iPad with your family and...
Drupal 7 Cookbook
Drupal 7 Cookbook
Drupal 7 is a modern Content Management System, famous for its flexibility and power. Using Drupal you can easily create custom functionality that would otherwise have to be purchased in many of the other leading CMSs.

Drupal 7 Cookbook is filled with recipes to help you to do more with Drupal and improve your
Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook
Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook
Microsoft's Forefront Identity Manager simplifies enterprise Identity Management for end users by automating admin tasks and integrating the infrastructure of an enterprise with strong authentication systems.

The Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 Handbook is an in-depth guide to Identity Management.
Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies
Green Building & Remodeling For Dummies
When it comes to addressing most of the challenges we face as a society, it is often said that change begins at home. This is an exciting prospect—that we can make a difference around the world by changing the way we live our daily lives—and nowhere is it truer than in our efforts to improve the health of our planet,...
Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional (Beginning Apress)
Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional (Beginning Apress)
Everyone keeps data. Big organizations spend millions to look after their payroll, customer, and transaction data. The penalties for getting it wrong are severe: businesses may collapse, shareholders and customers lose money, and for many organizations (airlines, health boards, energy companies), it is not exaggerating to say that...
New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning
New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning

“Like a compass guiding you to what’s important and why in this rapidly evolving field, this new edition is utterly stimulating but also thoughtful and measured.”
Daniel Cassany, Literacy Researcher and Teacher, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

"Essential reading for those...

Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant
Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant
Welcome to Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant. Over the years, I’ve written about many different server technologies and products, but the one product I like writing about the most is Microsoft Windows Server. For anyone transitioning to Windows Server 2012 from an earlier release of Windows Server,...
Palm OS Programming Bible (With CD-ROM)
Palm OS Programming Bible (With CD-ROM)
In 1992, Palm Computing (now Palm, Inc.) was founded. The rest is history. Of course, there’s a lot more to it. Many good decisions were made, and many bad designs were thrown out. Palm started as a software company intending to influence existing handheld manufacturers with its easy-to-use software and synchronization...
Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
What you have in your hands is a unique book. You may have seen several books on SAP Financial Accounting (FI) that are available in the market, but none of them are as comprehensive as this, covering the gamut of Financial Accounting in SAP Financials including—besides the regular topics —FI-CA (Contract Accounts...
Listeria monocytogenes: Pathogenesis and Host Response
Listeria monocytogenes: Pathogenesis and Host Response
We are at the beginning of the third decade of studies at the molecular level on the pathogenesis of Listeria monocytogenes and the response of the host to its infections. It is a good time to survey the wealth of information that these studies have revealed and to think about perspectives for a more complete understanding of...
The normal, intact immune system does not have equal probability of responding to every potential part of a protein. It has been known for more than 50 years that only parts of the protein that are “outside” are available for antibody binding. Yet, with the advent of Western blotting techniques, antibodies that react...
Information Security For The Little Guy
Information Security For The Little Guy
Being secure in an insecure world is a tough nut to crack. There are so many ways that our personal information can be stolen and duplicated today it is a very serious situation and should be taken very seriously.

From our surfing the Internet to just the simplicity of speaking on a cell phone to our friends can
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