Every so often a love story so captures our hearts that it becomes more than a story-it becomes an experience to remember forever. The Notebook is such a book. It is a celebration of how passion can be ageless and timeless, a tale that moves us to laughter and tears and makes us believe in true love all over again... At thirty-one, Noah...
That was the subtitle for this book that was sadly, but wisely, rejected. However, it conveys two
things about this book that I’ve tried to focus on: getting a job and having fun while learning the
skills you need. Well, as much fun as you can reasonably have while learning how to program.
Although many books aren’t...
We saw our first iPad in a theater in Hollywood, California, in the
summer of 1968. It appeared in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey,
and the iPad (called a Newspad in the Arthur C. Clarke novel on
which the movie is based) made its debut when astronaut Dave
Bowman used it to view the news while having a horrific-looking
This book is a collection of thoughts and researches about secret
societies. It is going to take you on many journeys, but
whether you arrive or where you arrive will be your decision. I
need to make a simple point before you proceed to “bite the
apple”: Clear your mind of anything you have been told. I care
One of the most gripping yet improbable stories spawned by the computer revolution, Hacker Crocker is a classic American-dream success story set on the razor edge of high technology. Ejovi Nuwere takes the reader on the roller-coaster ride of his extraordinary life, from the bullet-riddled, drugged-out streets of one of America's...
Back in the early 1990s—1993, to be
exact—Apple Computer launched a
handheld computer product known as the
Newton. Interestingly, the Newton was the
first device to be called a personal digital
assistant (PDA), a term that lives on today.
Essentially, it was the first tablet computer.
The one thing that most folks...
It's taken a few years, but mobile and devices are finally hot. How hot? Like biting into a
freshly ripe, raw, Habanero chili kind-a-HOT. Can you taste the virtual heat on your virtual
tongue yet?
Yowza! The point I'm trying to get across is this. The broader mobile and device industry
has finally gone mainstream. Why...
When Second Life launched in 2003. running on just 16
servers with barely 1 .ÐÐÐdedicated users, it was the
culmination of a kind of dream for me. One of the things
Td always been interested in, ever since I was a young
boy, was how we manipulate the world around us.
The world had so much stuff in it; there was always...
Thank you for purchasing or considering the purchase of Windows 7 In Depth. It’s amazing the changes that 20-odd years can bring to a computer product such as Windows. When we wrote our first Windows book back in the mid-1980s, our publisher didn’t even think the book would sell well enough to print more than 5,000 copies. Microsoft...
"There is hardly a reason to circumcise a little boy for medical reasons because those medical reasons don t exist," said Dr. Michael Wilks, Head of Ethics at the British Medical Association, who admitted that doctors have circumcised boys for "no good reason."
In the United States, parts of Africa, the Middle East,...
This is the first comprehensive treatment of the strategies employed in the world's languages to express predicative possession, as in "the boy has a bat". It presents the results of the author's fifteen-year research project on the subject. Predicative possession is the source of many grammaticalization paths - as in the English perfect...
Many books discuss Agile from a theoretical or academic perspective. Becoming Agile takes a different approach and focuses on explaining Agile from a case-study perspective. Agile principles are discussed, explained, and then demonstrated in the context of a case study that flows throughout the book. The case study is based on a mixture of...