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Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0 (Expert's Voice in .Net)
Pro WF: Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0 (Expert's Voice in .Net)
Windows Workflow Foundation is a ground-breaking addition to the core of the .NET Framework that allows you to orchestrate human and system interactions as a series of workflows that can be easily mapped, analyzed, adjusted, and implemented.

As business problems become more complex, the need for a workflow-based solution has never been more...

Building a Web Site For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Building a Web Site For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Whether you’re in the preliminary stages of planning a site or you’re looking to improve the look of an existing site, this reference book covers it all. Now updated with the latest site tools, design techniques, and commerce options, this new edition of the bestseller offers a solid framework for building a Web site from scratch....
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++.NET in 21 Days, 2nd Edition is a time-saving guide walking you through Visual C++ tools and wizards for building applications and places VC++ in the context of the new Visual Studio.NET environment. This book emphasizes using Visual C++ tools and wizards to generate code. Code examples are augmented with C++ language...
Prototyping with Visual Basic
Prototyping with Visual Basic
This book shows readers how to use Visual Basic to gain the benefits of prototyping: reduced cost, reduced time and more importantly, reduced risk while building complex applications.

The techniques and examples described will give the reader new tools for building applications.

About the Author

Flash and PHP Bible
Flash and PHP Bible
Quickly develop dynamic Flash applications with PHP

The demand for rich Internet applications (RIAs) such as complete storefronts and interactive surveys is skyrocketing, as is the pressure to create these dynamic apps overnight and at low cost. This in-depth Bible provides the step-by-step instructions you need to quickly...

The Productive Programmer (Theory in Practice)
The Productive Programmer (Theory in Practice)
Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity-how to work smarter,...
Control System Design Guide, Third Edition: Using Your Computer to Understand and Diagnose Feedback Controllers
Control System Design Guide, Third Edition: Using Your Computer to Understand and Diagnose Feedback Controllers
"No matter how much you think you may know about the subject, there is something everyone can learn from this book. This book is control systems A-Z, and is the best book I have seen on the subject."
- Dave Trapasso, Senior Project Engineer, Delphi Automotive Systems

"I enjoyed reading this book. Although I have some
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
Visual Basic 2008 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
Visual Basic 2008

Providing programmers and developers of all skill levels with a comprehensive tutorial and reference to Visual Basic (VB) 2008, Microsoft MVP Rod Stephenspresents a broad, solid understanding of essential topics on the latest version of VB. He explains the forms, controls, and other objects that VB...

Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference

With this completely up-to-date tutorial and reference, you'll quickly learn how to develop Visual Basic (VB) programs that leverage the latest features of Vista and .NET 3.0. The tutorial section walks you through VB.NET from scratch, providing you with in-depth descriptions of the development environment, basic program syntax, and standard...

Encyclopedia of Prophecy
Encyclopedia of Prophecy
Worldwide in scope and dating from biblical times, though its thrust is by no means exclusively religious, this encyclopedia ranges widely in its A-to-Z listing of entries. Among them are "apocalypse," "Edgar Cayce," "end of the world," "Napoleon," "premonitions," "sphinx," and...
Visual Basic .NET Unleashed
Visual Basic .NET Unleashed

Visual Basic.NET Unleashed is a complete book on the fundamentals of programming with a fully object-oriented language filled with new idioms and capabilities. In addition to the fundamentals, this book covers:

* Free threading and multithreading
* Inheritance
* Virtual methods and shared methods
* Structured exception

Dive Into Python
Dive Into Python

Dive Into Python is a hands-on guide to the Python language. Each chapter starts with a real, complete code sample, proceeds to pick it apart and explain the pieces, and then puts it all back together in a summary at the end.

Python is a new and innovative scripting language. It is set to replace Perl as the programming language...

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