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C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET
C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET
C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET introduces Microsoft's new extensions to the C++ syntax that allow you to target the common language runtimethe key to the heart of the .NET 3.0 platform. In 12 no-fluff chapters, Microsoft insider Gordon Hogenson takes you into the core of the C++/CLI language and explains both how the language...
Ubuntu Netbooks: The Path to Low-Cost Computing (Beginning)
Ubuntu Netbooks: The Path to Low-Cost Computing (Beginning)

Welcome to the cloud for users, where the speed of Ubuntu and the ease of cloud applications unite. You can now speed up your netbook, connect to the world using 3G modems, or make calls using Skype with Ubuntu. You can even change your desktop altogether without having to worry about netbook screen real estate. Now, you will never have to worry...

Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Provides the basic education in the XSLT processing model that developers have requested

The growth of XML content management applications is boosting the demand for XSLT and XPath skills. This beginning Wrox book provides a firm foundation in the XSLT processing model, giving developers an important skillset.


How to Build a Digital Library, Second Edition
How to Build a Digital Library, Second Edition

How to Build a Digital Library is the only book that offers all the knowledge and tools needed to construct and maintain a digital library, regardless of the size or purpose. It is the perfectly self-contained resource for individuals, agencies, and institutions wishing to put this powerful tool to work in their burgeoning information...

Linux in a Nutshell
Linux in a Nutshell
Everything you need to know about Linux is in this book. Written by Stephen Figgins, Ellen Siever, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins -- people with years of active participation in the Linux community -- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, thoroughly covers programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, and...
Mastering Revit Architecture 2010
Mastering Revit Architecture 2010
As Autodesk's fastest-growing software package, Revit Architecture offers a new version that will require Revit users of all areas of expertise—architects, project managers, designers, contractors, and building owners—to learn new skills. As the only complete tutorial and reference for the newest version of Revit software, this book...
Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs (Recipes: a Problem-Solution Approach)
Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs (Recipes: a Problem-Solution Approach)

Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs is an example–based book on managing Oracle Database in a Linux environment. Covering commonly used distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Oracle Enterprise Linux, the book is written for database administrators who need to get work done and lack the luxury of curling up fireside with a...

iPhone Cool Projects
iPhone Cool Projects
You are going to love this book! I know I do, and I had to read every word of it and check
every line of code, twice!!

If you’re like me, you’ve registered as an iPhone developer with Apple, read some documentation,
and sought help in taking the next bold step. Perhaps you’ve picked up “Beginning...
Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution
Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution
This 3rd edition of the very popular title "Securing & Optimizing Linux" looks for security measures that go beyond firewalls and intrusion detection systems to anticipate and protect against upcoming threats. Securing & Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution: A hacker's guide to protect your Linux server designed for system...
Programming WCF Services
Programming WCF Services
Programming WCF Services is the authoritative, bestselling introduction to Microsoft's unified platform for developing service-oriented applications (SOA) on Windows. Hailed as the most definitive treatment of WCF available, this relentlessly practical book provides insight, not documentation, to help you learn the topics and skills you...
The Book of VMware: The Complete Guide to VMware Workstation
The Book of VMware: The Complete Guide to VMware Workstation

There's only so much you can do by multitasking applications. Frequently, you just need another computer for testing software, trying out network configurations, or doing any of a dozen things that engineers and administrators need to do. VMware allows you to run several virtual machines on one physical computer, each completely...

Valode & Pistre Architects
Valode & Pistre Architects
The firm of Denis Valode and Jean Pistre, which has been practicing for 25 years, entered upon a new phase of its career in 1992, when the architects — in cooperation with the landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson — received the Equerre d’argent prize of the journal Le Moniteur for the L’Oréal corporate headquarters...
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