Genetic technology has enabled us to test fetuses for an increasing number
of diseases and impairments. On the basis of this genetic information,
prospective parents can predict – and prevent – the birth of children
likely to have those conditions. In developed countries, prenatal genetic
testing has now become a...
The computing world today is in the middle of a revolution: mobile clients and cloud computing have emerged as the dominant paradigms driving programming and hardware innovation today. The Fifth Edition of Computer Architecture focuses on this dramatic shift, exploring the ways in which software and technology in the cloud are accessed...
I first starting thinking about human/machine augmentations in 2000 when I started a company
focused in the Telco software space. Initially, I focused on how to enable wireless content
development, but at that time, devices were primitive. High speed networks hadn't fully taken
on in many areas of the U.S. for mobile networks...
When I had a chance to use the Mosaic web browser way back in 1994, I fell in love
with the web at first sight and became interested in HTML and the way the W3C was
driving the growth of the web along with the IETF. A year later, I discovered Java by
reading Sun’s white paper and was convinced that it would...
While many companies are primarily defined by a business model, Thought- Works is primarily defined by a social model. We define three pillars to measure success in our business and to influence our business decisions.
The data access landscape over the past seven or so years has changed dramatically.
Relational databases, the heart of storing and processing data in the enterprise for over
30 years, are no longer the only game in town. The past seven years have seen the birth
—and in some cases the death—of many...
Find out what Siri's got up her sleeve with this fun and friendly guide!
Who couldn't use a little extra help these days? Answers, information, reminders, and all sorts of additional help are only a verbal query away with Siri, the artificial intelligence personal assistant. Siri made her debut with the iPhone 4 and...
Are you responsible for reinvigorating your brand to achieve enduring profitable growth? Or for keeping your still-strong brand from fading in relevance and value? This extraordinary book teaches the invaluable lessons of one of the most successful brand revitalization projects in business history: the reinvigoration of...
A veteran paramedic decries the declining standards within the commercial ambulance corps and hospital emergency rooms. In a dramatic semi-autobiographical volume he points out several factors driving the decline (abuse and overwhelming of the system by Medicare/Medicaid patients and other non-emergency patients; and the way fiscal...
Android continues to be one of the leading mobile OS and development platforms driving today's mobile innovations and the apps ecosystem. Android appears complex, but offers a variety of organized development kits to those coming into Android with differing programming language skill sets.
At least two driving forces have contributed to the recent increased use and development
of multidimensional liquid chromatography (MDLC). These include the high
resolution and peak capacity needed for proteomics studies and the independent size
and chemical structure selectivity for resolving industrial polymers. In this regard,...