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eBay Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools, First Edition
eBay Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools, First Edition
Whether you're a newcomer or longtime user, eBay Hacks will teach you to become efficient as both a buyer and seller. You'll find a wide range of topics, from monitoring the bidding process, getting refunds, and fixing photos so that sale items look their best, to in-depth tips for running a business on eBay and...
Contemporary Logic Design
Contemporary Logic Design
Computer hardware has experienced the most dramatic improvement in capabilities and costs ever known to humankind. In just 40 years, we have seen room-sized computers, with little more processing power than today's pocket calculators, evolve into fingernail-sized devices with near supercomputer performance. This miracle has been made possible...
100 Weekend Projects Anyone Can Do: Easy, practical projects using basic tools and standard materials
100 Weekend Projects Anyone Can Do: Easy, practical projects using basic tools and standard materials

100 do-it-yourself simple projects, requiring only basic tools, precut lumber and standard materials.

Build fashionable, functional, inexpensive indoor and backyard furniture—even if you're a complete beginner. These are realistic projects for the average weekend warrior that require no great skills, just normal

Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace
Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace
My great-grandfather was a furniture maker. I am writing this on his table, sitting in his chair. His world was one of craft, “the skilled practice of a practical occupation.”1 He made furniture late in life that was in superficial respects the same as that which he made earlier, but one can see his craft advance. ...
Furniture Repair and Restoration
Furniture Repair and Restoration

Why get into furniture restoration? One reason is that there probably is no greater feeling of satisfaction than the one you get when you bring that newly restored chair to its place of honor in the living room. You put it in exactly the right place, stand back - and feel good. A few months ago, that chair was battered and bruised, an...

Google SketchUp For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Google SketchUp For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Get a whole new perspective on 3D modeling

Build your house in 3D, do some remodeling, and share it in Google Earth

Developed with architects and other design gurus in mind, Google SketchUp is the fast, easy way to build 3D models of anything you want — buildings, furniture, or...

The Gordion Wooden Objects, Volume 1 The Furniture from Tumulus MM (2 vols) (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)
The Gordion Wooden Objects, Volume 1 The Furniture from Tumulus MM (2 vols) (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)

"The Furniture from Tumulus MM" is a study of the furniture from the largest tomb at Gordion, Turkey, excavated in 1957 by the University of Pennsylvania Museum. The tomb dates to the eighth century BC and is thought to be the burial of the great Phrygian king Midas or his father. The objects, initially misunderstood, are now...

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