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Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Foundations and Applications
Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Foundations and Applications

Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) are the physical embodiment of machine intelligence providing a core concept for integrating various advanced technologies with pattern recognition and learning. The basic philosophy of IAS research is to explore and understand the nature of intelligence in problems of perception, reasoning, learning and...

Expert One-on-One Oracle
Expert One-on-One Oracle
Tom Kyte is of a rare breed. To begin, he's technically expert in his subject (administration of and development of applications for Oracle database management systems). What's more (and what distinguishes him from the ranks of the super-competent), he is both able and willing to share his considerable store of wisdom with Oracle users via...
Monkey Game Development Beginners Guide
Monkey Game Development Beginners Guide
Welcome to Monkey Game Development Beginner's Guide. This book will teach you (as a step-by-step guide) how to develop 2D games with Monkey. With eight sample games included, the book covers a great range of the toolset and important game development techniques. You will also learn how to deploy your games to mobile...
Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#
Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#
SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN THE FALL of 2008, Android has grown and matured to the point where it is currently the number one smartphone platform in terms of shipments worldwide. Along with that growth is an interest in writing applications that run natively on the device and that take advantage of the device’s features, such...
Taking Your iPad to the Max, iOS 5 Edition: Maximize iCloud, Newsstand, Reminders, FaceTime, and iMessage
Taking Your iPad to the Max, iOS 5 Edition: Maximize iCloud, Newsstand, Reminders, FaceTime, and iMessage

Taking Your iPad to the Max, iOS 5 Edition is written so that anyone can quickly get up to speed on Apple’s latest hit. As bloggers at The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW.com), the authors have the happy privilege of working with Apple products every day, and they'll guide you through all of the perks of being an iPad owner...

Managing Data and Media in Silverlight 4: A Mashup of Chapters from Packt's Bestselling Silverlight Books
Managing Data and Media in Silverlight 4: A Mashup of Chapters from Packt's Bestselling Silverlight Books
A Packt Compendium is a book formed by drawing existing content from several related Packt titles. In other words, it is a mashup of published Packt content – Professional Expertise Distilled in the true sense. Such a compendium of Packt's content allows you to learn from each of the chapters' unique styles and Packt...
Making Android Accessories with IOIO
Making Android Accessories with IOIO
Android phones are a great platform for developing apps, but sometimes it is nice if those apps go beyond the built-in hardware of the phone and connect to some homemade electronics.

The IOIO board allows you to do just that, and this book will show you how to use the IOIO board and interface it to various different
Electrochemical Aspects of Ionic Liquids
Electrochemical Aspects of Ionic Liquids
This book introduces some basic and advanced studies on ionic liquids in the electrochemical field. Although ionic liquids are known by only a few scientists and engineers, their applications’ potential in future technologies is unlimited. There are already many reports of basic and applied studies of ionic liquids as...
Node for Front-End Developers
Node for Front-End Developers
Node.js has brought the JavaScript revolution of the past few years to the server. Java- Script, it turns out, has uses beyond the client, and many techniques for effective clientside development are applicable on the server side as well. Front-end developers can use their existing skills to work with Node today....
Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3
Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3
If you think you need to create a "mobile" version of your website—think again! A responsive web design provides one design that looks great on smart phone, desktop, and everything in-between. It will effortlessly respond to the size of the user's screen, providing the best experience possible for both today's and...
Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web and Mobile
Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web and Mobile

Content. It’s become a very powerful word in the Internet age, empowering people everywhere to have a voice. Through words, video, audio, and all its other forms, content tells the story of your product or service and propels your brand into the hearts and minds of your prospects, customers, and others. Without content, the web would...

Griffon in Action
Griffon in Action
As soon as I heard about Griffon in Action, I was eager to get it into my hands. What I expected was a typical Manning In Action book: providing an easy jump start, working from actionable examples, and providing lots of insight about the technology at hand. It turned out that this book not only lived up to my...
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