Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Recent Trends
Nowadays, computationalmethodologies of signal processing and imaging analysis for 2D, 3D and even 4D data are commonly used for various applications in society. For example, Computational Vision systems are progressively used for surveillance tasks, traffic analysis, recognition process, inspection purposes, human-machine interfaces, 3D... |  |  Frommer's Maui 2011 (Frommer's Complete)
Maui, also called the Valley Isle, is just a small dot in the vast Pacifi c Ocean, but it has the potential to offer visitors unforgettable experiences: fl oating weightless through rainbows of tropical fi sh, standing atop a 10,000-foot volcano watching the sunrise color the sky, and listening to the raindrops in a bamboo forest.
|  |  Bridge and Highway Structure Rehabilitation and Repair
State-of-the-Art Bridge and Highway Rehabilitation and Repair Methods
This authoritative volume offers up-to-date guidance on the latest design techniques, repair methods, specialized software, materials, and advanced maintenance procedures for bridges and highway structures. Focusing on both traditional and nontraditional design... |