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Principles of Cloning, Second Edition
Principles of Cloning, Second Edition

  Principles of Cloning, Second Edition is the fully revised edition of the authoritative book on the science of cloning. The book presents the basic biological mechanisms of how cloning works and progresses to discuss current and potential applications in basic biology, agriculture, biotechnology, and medicine. Beginning with the...

Portal Hypertension: Pathobiology, Evaluation, and Treatment (Clinical Gastroenterology)
Portal Hypertension: Pathobiology, Evaluation, and Treatment (Clinical Gastroenterology)

A cutting-edge review of the latest findings on key scientific topics and the best strategies for evaluation and management of portal hypertension in the clinic. Writing in an easy-to-read style, the authors review its pathobiology, the progress being made in its experimental understanding, the methodologies to assess it in humans, the...

Oral Pharmacotherapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Guide to Clinical Management (Current Clinical Urology)
Oral Pharmacotherapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Guide to Clinical Management (Current Clinical Urology)

For the generation that reached sexual maturity in the 1960s, the “pill” became synonymous with sexual freedom and started a sexual revolution. For women it meant freedom from the fear of pregnancy, and for men enhanced sexual opportunity. The new era of the pill has nothing to do with fertility, but everything to do with sex. The...

Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism (Contemporary Cardiology)
Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism (Contemporary Cardiology)

This practical volume highlights traditional, novel, and evolving aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE). The contributors comprise an international team of experts. Important aspects of diagnosis, risk stratification, and differential treatment of patients with PE are presented in a concise, yet comprehensive...

Perineal and Anal Sphincter Trauma: Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Perineal and Anal Sphincter Trauma: Diagnosis and Clinical Management

This book clarifies and explains perineal anatomy and the pathophysiology of anal incontinence as well as applied pharmacology. It also institutes the new recommended classification of perineal tears, and describes anal sphincter repair techniques. The emphasis is on correct post-operative management, management of pregnancy following...

Psychological Challenges in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Clinical Management
Psychological Challenges in Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Clinical Management

This book empowers the obstetrician-gynecologist to play a key coordinating role, and to communicate effectively with all parties and health workers involved in psychological care. It provides information not typically covered by their training: communication skills, coping and adjustment in pregnancy, and communicating with cancer patients....

Diseases of the Thyroid in Childhood and Adolescence (Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 11)
Diseases of the Thyroid in Childhood and Adolescence (Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Vol. 11)

This volume presents the latest global knowledge of thyroid disorders in infancy, childhood, and adolescence and represents experience and views from a panel of the world’s most renowned authorities on thyroid pathophysiology and clinical entities in the pediatric population. Both basic science and clinical aspects of thyroid disease...

Breast Cancer: A Guide to Detection and Multidisciplinary Therapy (Current Clinical Oncology)
Breast Cancer: A Guide to Detection and Multidisciplinary Therapy (Current Clinical Oncology)

Michael H. Torosian, MD, and a panel of physicians and clinical researchers critically synthesize the wide variety of treatment options available to create a state-of-the-art reference for the management of breast cancer patients. Writing from a multidisciplinary perspective, these authoritative contributors review in the light of the most...

Sports Endocrinology (Contemporary Endocrinology)
Sports Endocrinology (Contemporary Endocrinology)

Expert physicians and researchers in sports medicine comprehensively review what is known about how such activity effects the endocrine system and how in turn these evoked hormonal responses affect many other organs and systems of the body. Topics range from the various endocrine pathways that are altered by exercise, to the effect of...

Imaging the Central Nervous System of the Fetus and Neonate
Imaging the Central Nervous System of the Fetus and Neonate

One of the most significant areas of advance in clinical medicine over the last 20 years has been in the imaging technologies. It is difficult to point to the single method or application that has benefited most from those advances because nearly all specialities in medicine have been involved. Perhaps the most significant trend, however, has...

Hydrocephalus: A Guide for Patients, Families & Friends (Patient Centered Guides)
Hydrocephalus: A Guide for Patients, Families & Friends (Patient Centered Guides)

Hydrocephalus, often referred to as "water on the brain," is a potentially life-threatening condition that affects one in a thousand babies born in the U.S. Hydrocephalus is now generally treated with surgical placement of a shunt system that drains excess fluid around the brain to another part of the body where it can be...

Homocysteine: Related Vitamins and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Homocysteine: Related Vitamins and Neuropsychiatric Disorders

During the last 15 years the research on homocysteine and the vitamins involved in its metabolism has become very dynamic. About 1,500 publications on the subject are now published each year. The research has long mainly focused on the association between homocysteine and cardiovascular disease, but also pregnancy complications/ fetal...

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