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Python Data Analytics: With Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib
Python Data Analytics: With Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib
Explore the latest Python tools and techniques to help you tackle the world of data acquisition and analysis. You'll review scientific computing with NumPy, visualization with matplotlib, and machine learning with scikit-learn. 

This revision is fully updated with new content on social media data analysis, image
Text Mining: Applications and Theory
Text Mining: Applications and Theory

Text Mining: Applications and Theory presents the state-of-the-art algorithms for text mining from both the academic and industrial perspectives.  The contributors span several countries and scientific domains: universities, industrial corporations, and government laboratories, and demonstrate the use of techniques from machine...

SAS/FSP 9.2 Procedures Guide
SAS/FSP 9.2 Procedures Guide

Provides complete descriptions of all statements, options, windows, and commands that can be used with SAS/FSP software's FSBROWSE, FSEDIT, FSLETTER, and FSVIEW procedures.

The procedures in SAS/FSP software provide convenient interactive facilities for data
entry, editing, and retrieval. Using SAS/FSP software you can

Neural Networks in Atmospheric Remote Sensing (Artech House Remote Sensing Library)
Neural Networks in Atmospheric Remote Sensing (Artech House Remote Sensing Library)

A neural network refers to interconnecting artificial neurons that mimic the properties of biological neurons to perform sophisticated, intelligent tasks. This authoritative reference offers a comprehensive understanding of the underpinnings and practical applications of artificial neural networks and their use in the retrieval of geophysical...

Adaptive Image Processing: A Computational Intelligence Perspective, Second Edition
Adaptive Image Processing: A Computational Intelligence Perspective, Second Edition

Illustrating essential aspects of adaptive image processing from a computational intelligence viewpoint, the second edition of Adaptive Image Processing: A Computational Intelligence Perspective provides an authoritative and detailed account of computational intelligence (CI) methods and algorithms for adaptive image...

Video, Speech, and Audio Signal Processing and Associated Standards
Video, Speech, and Audio Signal Processing and Associated Standards

Now available in a three-volume set, this updated and expanded edition of the bestselling The Digital Signal Processing Handbook continues to provide the engineering community with authoritative coverage of the fundamental and specialized aspects of information-bearing signals in digital form. Encompassing essential background...

SQL Clearly Explained, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
SQL Clearly Explained, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)

Although the core of the SQL language remains relatively unchanged, the most recent release of the SQL standard (SQL:2008) includes two sets of extensions: 1) support for object-relational databases and 2) support for XML. The second edition of this book included some material about the object-relational extensions. However, that set of...

Encyclopedia of Distances
Encyclopedia of Distances

Distance metrics and distances have become an essential tool in many areas of pure and applied Mathematics, and this encyclopedia is the first one to treat the subject in full.

The book appears just as research intensifies into metric spaces and especially, distance design for applications. These distances are particularly crucial,...

Bioinformatics Programming Using Python: Practical Programming for Biological Data (Animal Guide)
Bioinformatics Programming Using Python: Practical Programming for Biological Data (Animal Guide)

Powerful, flexible, and easy to use, Python is an ideal language for building software tools and applications for life science research and development. This unique book shows you how to program with Python, using code examples taken directly from bioinformatics. In a short time, you'll be using sophisticated techniques and...

Managing Time in Relational Databases: How to Design, Update and Query Temporal Data
Managing Time in Relational Databases: How to Design, Update and Query Temporal Data

Managing Time in Relational Databases shows how to make the rich information content of bi-temporal data available to business users, while simplifying the design, maintenance and retrieval of that data. Metadata declarations eliminate the need to directly model temporal data. Temporal data maintenance is isolated in code that...

Managing and Mining Graph Data (Advances in Database Systems)
Managing and Mining Graph Data (Advances in Database Systems)

Managing and Mining Graph Data is a comprehensive survey book in graph data analytics. It contains extensive surveys on important graph topics such as graph languages, indexing, clustering, data generation, pattern mining, classification, keyword search, pattern matching, and privacy. It also studies a number of domain-specific...

NHibernate 2.x Beginner's Guide
NHibernate 2.x Beginner's Guide

NHibernate is an open source object-relational mapper, or simply put, a way to retrieve data from your database into standard .NET objects. Quite often we spend hours designing the database, only to go back and re-design a mechanism to access that data and then optimize that mechanism. This book will save you time on your project, providing...

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