Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) are the physical embodiment of machine intelligence providing a core concept for integrating various advanced technologies with pattern recognition and learning. The basic philosophy of IAS research is to explore and understand the nature of intelligence in problems of perception, reasoning, learning and...
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME 2018). The book covers various topics of mechanical engineering like computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, machine dynamics, tribology, and composite materials. In addition, relevant studies in the allied...
This book presents some of the most recent research results in the area of machine learning and robot perception. The book contains eight chapters.
Relevant progress has been done, within the Robotics field, in mechanical systems, actuators, control and planning. This fact, allows a wide application of industrial robots, where...
A large cross-section of the world’s great and good in colorectal
surgery have been enticed, inveigled, I suspect at times brow-beaten, to
produce this tour de force. The editors, themselves famous for their own
extensive contributions in this area, must be congratulated for their fine
Scott Donaldson,Stanley Siegel and Gary Donaldson interview many of the world's most influential chief technology officers in CTOs at Work, offering a brand-new companion volume to the highly acclaimed elite At Work books including Coders at Work, CIOS at Work and...
This book provides a comprehensive review of progress in the acquisition and extraction of electrocardiogram signals. The coverage is extensive, from a review of filtering techniques to measurement of heart rate variability, to aortic pressure measurement, to strategies for assessing contractile effort of the left ventricle and more. The book...
In this book Egyptian Archeology and Mathematics meet.
The author is an expert in theories and applications in Solid Mechanics and Inverse Problems, a former professor at Ecole Polytechnique and now works with Electricité de France on maintenance operations on nuclear power plants. In the Autumn of 1986, after the...
The increasing awareness on the varied consequences of hypogonadism in
distinct organs and systems has supported the notion of estrogens as systemic
agents. This observation is congruent with the variety of tissues affected by estrogens
when used in hormone therapy formulations on hypogonadic women.
Apart from the genital tract...
Temporal Information Systems in Medicine introduces the engineering of information systems for medically-related problems and applications. The chapters are organized into four parts; fundamentals, temporal reasoning & maintenance in medicine, time in clinical tasks, and the display of time-oriented clinical information. The chapters are...
This compilation presents minireviews derived from work presented at the Aegean
Conference: “First Crossroads between Innate and Adaptive Immunity,”
which occurred October 9–14, 2005 at the Hilton Conference Center on the island
of Rhodes, Greece. The conference included sessions dedicated to host recognition
For anyone artistically inclined, observing the Moon and attempting to sketch or paint it can easily become a passion. The Moon presents a broad array of tone, texture, and form. Capturing this in a painting or sketch at the eyepiece of a telescope or even with binoculars develops observational skills, leaves a record of the observation, and...