 |  |  The AWK Programming Language
Computer users spend a lot of time doing simple, mechanical data manipulation
- changing the format of data, checking its validity, finding items with
some property, adding up numbers, printing reports, and the like. All of these
jobs ought to be mechanized, but it's a real nuisance to have to write a specialpurpose
program in a... |  |  Operating Systems In Depth: Design and Programming
The goal of this book is to bring together and explain current practice in operating systems.
This includes much of what is traditionally covered in operating-system textbooks: concurrency,
scheduling, linking and loading, storage management (both real and virtual), fi le systems,
and security. However, I also cover issues that come up... |
 Microsoft Windows Server Administration Essentials
The core concepts and technologies you need to administer a Windows Server OS
Administering a Windows operating system (OS) can be a difficult topic to grasp, particularly if you are new to the field of IT. This full-color resource serves as an approachable introduction to understanding how to install a server, the various... |  |  |  |  Multimedia Systems: Algorithms, Standards, and Industry Practices
Multimedia is now a broad “umbrella” that innovatively combines different fields of
research and industry to produce practical solutions that are used on a wide scale
today. Some of these fields are signal processing, imaging and color science, video and
audio analysis, 2D/3D graphics, information theory, compression,... |
 VMware vSphere For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Every so often, a technology comes along that changes the way we go about our everyday business. This technology is called a disruptive technology and has such a significant benefit or improvement that people are willing to change their normal way of doing things to incorporate the new technology. Virtualization is one of those disruptive... |  |  Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2010
Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 is a backup and recovery solution which provides continuous data protection for Windows application and file servers to seamlessly integrated disk, tape, and cloud.
This Data Protection Manager book is a practical, step-by-step tutorial that will show you how to effectively back up your... |  |  HBase: The Definitive Guide
You may be reading this book for many reasons. It could be because you heard all about
Hadoop and what it can do to crunch petabytes of data in a reasonable amount of time.
While reading into Hadoop you found that, for random access to the accumulated data,
there is something called HBase. Or it was the hype that is prevalent these days... |
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