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Mac OS X Lion In Depth (2nd Edition)
Mac OS X Lion In Depth (2nd Edition)

Beyond the Basics…Beneath the Surface…In Depth


Mac OS X Lion  in Depth

Do more with Mac OS X Lion–in less time!


Mac OS X Lion...

Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
Welcome to Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality. Augmented reality (AR) has existed in sci-fi movies for decades, is used in the military for head-up displays (HUDs), and until recently, has been a thing of the future. With the upswing in mobile applications since the introduction of the iPhone and the Android operating system, applications...
Droid Companion
Droid Companion

Congratulations on your new Droid smartphone! You’re going to be amazed when you discover all the ways it enables you to connect with your contacts and stay in touch with the world. You can communicate via talk, text, email, social networking, and chatting with instant messaging, and on some newer Droid phones, you may even be able to...

Maya Studio Projects Texturing and Lighting (Wiley Desktop Editions)
Maya Studio Projects Texturing and Lighting (Wiley Desktop Editions)
“Half of good lighting╇ is good texturing, and half of good texturing is good lighting” is my favorite sage advice to new animators. It’s difficult to separate the two areas of computer animation. Texturing—the re-creation of specific surface qualities through the application of shaders,...
Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments: The Ultimate Security Guide
Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments: The Ultimate Security Guide
Penetration testers are faced with a combination of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, host-based protection, hardened systems, and teams of knowledgeable analysts that pour over data collected by their security information management systems. In an environment such as this, simply running automated tools will typically...
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
From September 264 to 30 th, 2002, a group of researchers met at Seiano di Vico Equense, on the Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, to participate in the "Workshop-Short Course on Volcanic Systems. Gecx:hcmical and Geophysical Monitoring. Melt Inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems", sponsored by the Istituto Nazionalr di...
Pro Windows Embedded Compact 7: Producing Device Drivers
Pro Windows Embedded Compact 7: Producing Device Drivers
Windows Embedded Compact 7 is really the latest version of Windows CE. Books dedicated to this operating system are relatively scarce. Windows CE turned into a proper RTOS when Windows CE 3.0 was launched. A few books were published, most notably by Douglas Boling and James Wilson. The first book concentrated on application...
Learning CFEngine 3: Automated system administration for sites of any size
Learning CFEngine 3: Automated system administration for sites of any size
This is a book about system administration. As any system administrator knows, there is no professional joy greater than seeing systems work consistently and perform their tasks flawlessly. And the joy is even greater if the systems need as little human attention as possible. Automating system administration tasks...
Water Dynamics in Plant Production
Water Dynamics in Plant Production
The source of life is water. Life began in the oceans, which represent the largest stock of water on Earth. Much less water is stored below the land surface in the form of fresh groundwater, amounting to not quite 0.8% of the earth’s total water reserves, while lakes and rivers combined only contribute a further...
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)

This book is an essential tool for second-year undergraduate students and above, providing clear and concise explanations of the basic concepts of computer graphics, and enabling the reader to immediately implement these concepts in Java 2D and/or 3D with only elementary knowledge of the programming language. Features: provides an ideal,...

Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant
Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant
Welcome to Windows Server 2012 Pocket Consultant. Over the years, I’ve written about many different server technologies and products, but the one product I like writing about the most is Microsoft Windows Server. For anyone transitioning to Windows Server 2012 from an earlier release of Windows Server,...
Digital Modeling
Digital Modeling

Professional modeling is the foundation of every aspect of the 3D production pipeline and is essential to the success of any 3D computer graphics project. [digital] Modeling is unlike any other modeling book you’ve seen—it gets to the core of what it takes to create efficient production-ready models and demystifies the...

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