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Listeria monocytogenes: Pathogenesis and Host Response
Listeria monocytogenes: Pathogenesis and Host Response
We are at the beginning of the third decade of studies at the molecular level on the pathogenesis of Listeria monocytogenes and the response of the host to its infections. It is a good time to survey the wealth of information that these studies have revealed and to think about perspectives for a more complete understanding of...
Food Safety Control in the Poultry Industry
Food Safety Control in the Poultry Industry

The safety of poultry, meat, and eggs continues to be a major concern for consumers. As a result, there has been a wealth of research on identifying and controlling hazards at all stages on the supply chain. Food Safety Control in the Poultry Industry summarizes this research and its implications for all those involved in supplying and...

Bayesian Biostatistics and Diagnostic Medicine
Bayesian Biostatistics and Diagnostic Medicine
Bayesian methods are being used more often than ever before in biology and medicine. For example, at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Bayesian sequential stopping rules routinely are used for the design of clinical trials. This book is based on the author’s experience working with a variety of...
Advances in Chemical Physics, Computational Methods for Protein Folding (Volume 120)
Advances in Chemical Physics, Computational Methods for Protein Folding (Volume 120)

Since the first attempts to model proteins on a computer began almost thirty years ago, our understanding of protein structure and dynamics has dramatically increased. Spectroscopic measurement techniques continue to improve in resolution and sensitivity, allowing a wealth of information to be obtained with regard to the kinetics of protein...

Introduction to Risk Calculation in Genetic Counseling
Introduction to Risk Calculation in Genetic Counseling

The process of genetic counseling involves many key components, such as taking a family genetic history, making a diagnosis, and providing communication and support to the family. Among these core processes is the mathematical calculation of the actual risk of a possible genetic disorder. For most physicians and counselors, the mathematics...

Caregiving for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders: Research Practice Policy
Caregiving for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders: Research Practice Policy

Assisting someone with Alzheimer’s disease or another illness that causes dementia is incredibly demanding and stressful for the family. Like many disabling conditions, Alzheimer’s disease leads to difficulty or inability to carry out common activities of daily life, and so family members take over a variety of tasks ranging from...

The Financial Crisis of Our Time (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis)
The Financial Crisis of Our Time (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis)

In 2006 residential real estate prices peaked and started to fall, then threatened the world's financial institutions in 2007, and confronted the global economy with disaster in 2008. In the past few years, millions of people have lost very substantial portions of their wealth. And while the markets have rebounded considerably, they are...

Building Interactive Queries with LINQPad
Building Interactive Queries with LINQPad

If you need to interact with databases, XML, in-memory collections, or remote services, LINQ can make your life simpler. The best way to discover LINQ is with the help of LINQPad, a free IDE whose first goal is to make sure that writing and interacting with your LINQ query is fun and easy. More generally, LINQPad is a C#/VB/F# scratchpad that...

Quantum Physics: The Bottom-Up Approach: From the Simple Two-Level System to Irreducible Representations (Graduate Texts in Physics)
Quantum Physics: The Bottom-Up Approach: From the Simple Two-Level System to Irreducible Representations (Graduate Texts in Physics)

This concise tutorial provides the bachelor student and the practitioner with a short text on quantum physics that allows them to understand a wealth of quantum phenomena based on a compact, well readable, yet still concise and accurate description of nonrelativistic quantum theory. This “quadrature of the circle” is achieved by...

IgG4-Related Disease
IgG4-Related Disease

IgG4-related disease is a new systemic disease that has only recently been identified and characterized. However, most clinical practitioners are not yet familiar with it and thus are likely to misdiagnose it. The purpose of this book is to raise awareness of this disease and its diagnostic pitfalls. A wealth of radiological and...

Lesniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics (Trends in Logic)
Lesniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics (Trends in Logic)

This meticulous critical assessment of the ground-breaking work of philosopher Stanislaw  Leśniewski focuses exclusively on primary texts and explores the full range of output by one of the master logicians of the Lvov-Warsaw school. The author’s nuanced survey eschews secondary commentary, analyzing Leśniewski's core...

Expert Oracle RAC 12c (The Expert's Voice)
Expert Oracle RAC 12c (The Expert's Voice)

Expert Oracle RAC 12c is a hands-on book helping you understand and implement Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), and to reduce the total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) of a RAC database. As a seasoned professional, you are probably aware of the importance of understanding the technical details behind the RAC stack. This book...

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