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Advanced Java Networking

Advanced Java Networking, 9780137491360 (0137491360), Prentice Hall, 1997
Advanced Java Networking gives the reader a well-rounded and fairly detailed introduction to Java networking technologies. The subjects Sridharan covers sound like a seminar list from a software development conference: IDL/CORBA, RMI, JDBC/SQL, JavaBeans, Castanet, JMAPI, servlets, and JavaOS, to name a few. But this isn't a dilettantish cursory look at each of many technologies. Rather, this book provides the programmer with the kind of information needed to make solid design and implementation decisions. In the chapter on RMI, for example, Sridharan spends a little time explaining the attractions and shortcomings of the specification. Then, while walking you through the creation of a calendaring application, shows you some of the ins and outs of actual program design with RMI.

All of these features are in addition to the excellent treatment of general advanced Java stuff you'll want to understand thoroughly before you plunge into the really hairy stuff.

This book is ideal for knowledgeable programmers who are trying to decide how to attack a problem. You might need to use another book for further details on your solution of choice, but this is a fine place to start.
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