| GPC 2007 provided a high-profile, leading-edge forum for researchers and developers from industry and academia to report on the latest scientific and technical advances, discuss and debate the major issues, and showcase the latest systems in merging grid computing and the pervasive computing field.
This year, a total of 217 high-quality papers were submitted by researchers and practitioners from about 20 countries. All the submissions were rigorously reviewed by the Program Committee members. To ensure fairness and the quality of the papers, we put a number of measures in place. For example, each paper was assigned at least one reviewer from Australia, one reviewer from America, and one reviewer from Europe. Based on the originality, significance, correctness, relevance, and clarity of presentation, 56 submissions were selected as regular papers and 12 were selected as short papers. The acceptation rate is 32%. Also, the authors of accepted papers were required to submit a read-me file along with the camera-ready version of their paper explaining how the reviewers comments were taken into account in the final version of their paper.
The publication Co-chairs, Lucian Finta (Paris XIII, France) and Jemal H. Abawajy (Deakin University, Australia), painstakingly went through each read-me file and reviewers’ comments to ensure that the comments were indeed incorporated into the final version of the papers. Only those papers that included reviewers’ comments were finally accepted for inclusion in the proceedings. Undoubtedly, Lucian and Jemal had to work long hours to meet the tight deadline, which is greatly appreciated.
The overall outcome of the revision process is a selection of papers that showcase the very best of grid and pervasive computing technology today. After the conference, the proceedings editors selected and recommended some highquality papers from the GPC 2007 conference to be published in special issues of international journals. Special thanks go to Jemal H. Abawajy for liasing with the chief editors of the journals.
The GPC 2007 program included presentations by accepted paper authors, keynote speeches, and a special round table on “Pervasive Grid.” The special round table was organized by Lionel Brunie, Manish Parashar, and Jean-Marc Pierson. We thank them for this initiative.
We allocated a slot of 30 minutes for each paper presentation so that the participants had plenty of time for questions and answers.We were also delighted to be able to welcome three well-known international researchers, Thierry Priol (France) representing the European CoreGrid initiative, Minyi Guo, Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu (Japan), and Laurence T. Yang representing St. Francis Xavier University (Canada), who delivered the keynote speeches. |