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Apache Wicket Cookbook

Apache Wicket Cookbook, 9781849511605 (1849511608), Packt Publishing, 2011

Apache Wicket is one of the most famous Java web application frameworks. Wicket simplifies web development and makes it fun. Are you bored of going through countless pages of theory to find out how to get your web development done? With this book in hand, you don't need to go through hundreds of pages to figure out how you will actually build a web application. You will get practical solutions to your common everyday development tasks to pace up your development activities.

Apache Wicket Cookbook provides you with information that gets your problems solved quickly without beating around the bush. This book is perfect for you if you are ready to take the next step from tutorials and step into the practical world. It will take you beyond the basics of using Apache Wicket and show you how to leverage Wicket's advanced features to create simpler and more maintainable solutions to what at first may seem complex problems.

You will learn how to integrate with client-side technologies such as JavaScript libraries or Flash components, which will help you to build your application faster. You will discover how to use Wicket paradigms to factor out commonly used code into custom Components, which will reduce the maintenance cost of your application, and how to leverage the existing Wicket Components to make your own code simpler.

A straightforward Cookbook with over 70 highly focused practical recipes to make your web application development easier with the Wicket web framework.

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