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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers (New Directions in Civil Engineering)

This book provides a comprehensive presentation of artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies and tools valuable for solving a wide spectrum of engineering problems. What's more, it offers these AI tools on an accompanying disk with easy-to-use software. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers details the AI-based methodologies known as: Knowledge-Based Expert Systems (KBES); Design Synthesis; Design Critiquing; and Case-Based Reasoning. KBES are the most popular AI-based tools and have been successfully applied to planning, diagnosis, classification, monitoring, and design problems. Case studies are provided with problems in engineering design for better understanding of the problem-solving models using the four methodologies in an integrated software environment.Throughout the book, examples are given so that students and engineers can acquire skills in the use of AI-based methodologies for application to practical problems ranging from diagnosis to planning, design, and construction and manufacturing in various disciplines of engineering.Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers is a must-have reference for students, teachers, research scholars, and professionals working in the area of civil engineering design in particular and engineering design in general.
Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#
Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#
This book teaches new methods for specifying, analyzing, and testing software; essentials for creating high-quality software. These methods increase the automation in each of these steps, making them more timely, more thorough, and more effective. The authors work through several realistic case studies in-depth and detail, using a toolkit built on...
Guerrilla Capacity Planning: A Tactical Approach to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and Services
Guerrilla Capacity Planning: A Tactical Approach to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and Services

In these days of shortened fiscal horizons and contracted time-to-market schedules, traditional approaches to capacity planning are often seen by management as tending to inflate their production schedules. Rather than giving up in the face of this kind of relentless pressure to get things done faster, Guerrilla Capacity Planning facilitates...

Oracle Database Foundations
Oracle Database Foundations

The world of IT is always evolving, but in every area there are stable, core concepts that anyone just setting out needed to know last year, needs to know this year, and will still need to know next year. The purpose of the Foundations series, is to identify these concepts and present them in a way that gives you the strongest...

Software Error Detection through Testing and Analysis
Software Error Detection through Testing and Analysis

An in-depth review of key techniques in software error detection

Software error detection is one of the most challenging problems in software engineering. Now, you can learn how to make the most of software testing by selecting test cases to maximize the probability of revealing latent errors. Software Error Detection through...

Women in Early British and Irish Astronomy: Stars and Satellites
Women in Early British and Irish Astronomy: Stars and Satellites

Careers in astronomy for women (as in other sciences) were a rarity in Britain and Ireland until well into the twentieth century. The book investigates the place of women in astronomy before that era, recounted in the form of biographies of about 25 women born between 1650 and 1900 who in varying capacities contributed to its progress during the...

Advanced Polymeric Systems: Applications in Nanostructured Materials, Composites and Biomedical Fields (River Publishers Series in Polymer Science)
Advanced Polymeric Systems: Applications in Nanostructured Materials, Composites and Biomedical Fields (River Publishers Series in Polymer Science)
Over recent years a considerable amount of effort has been devoted, both in industry and academia, towards the incorporation of various macro, micro, and nano sized fillers into polymers. There is also much interest in the evaluation of various polymer properties with respect to a wide set of applications. The advances in nanotechnology...
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