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Bioinformatics: Sequence Alignment and Markov Models


Bioinformatics showcases the latest developments in the field along with all the foundational information you'll need. It provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of autoimmune disorders and detailed analyses of suffix trees, plus late-breaking advances regarding biochips and genomes. . .

Featuring helpful gene-finding algorithms, Bioinformatics offers key information on sequence alignment, HMMs, HMM applications, protein secondary structure, microarray techniques, and drug discovery and development. Helpful diagrams accompany mathematical equations throughout, and exercises appear at the end of each chapter to facilitate self-evaluation. . .

This thorough, up-to-date resource features:

  • Worked-out problems illustrating concepts and models.
  • End-of-chapter exercises for self-evaluation.
  • Material based on student feedback.
  • Illustrations that clarify difficult math problems.
  • A list of bioinformatics-related websites

Bioinformatics covers:.

  • Sequence representation and alignment.
  • Hidden Markov models.
  • Applications of HMMs.
  • Gene finding.
  • Protein secondary structure prediction.
  • Microarray techniques.
  • Drug discovery and development.
  • Internet resources and public domain databases
About the Author

Kal Renganathan Sharma, Ph.D., P.E., has written five books, 11 journal articles, and hundreds of conference papers. He has held a number of high-level positions at engineering colleges and universities. Dr. Sharma currently teaches at Prairie View AAndM University in Prairie View, Texas.
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