| Everybody’s doing it! And while that logic never got far with your mother, it’s a fine reason to start blogging, especially if you have a business to build or a cause to promote. Well-run blogs do more than offer an outlet for your thoughts. They’ve actually influenced everything from a company’s image to the outcome of a local election.
Because the blogosphere is pretty crowded, it’s a good idea to find out a bit about the anatomy of a blog, what makes a good one, and what it takes to keep one going before you dive right in and start sharing with the world. Blogging For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you all the basics so you can get a good start. And if you’ve been around the blog a few times and want to advance to the next level, Blogging For Dummies, 2nd Edition even takes a look at podcasting and videoblogging.
You’ll find out how to:
- Make your blog stand out in a crowd, build an audience, and even make it pay
- Choose the best software options, boost readership, and handle comments
- Generate revenue from your blog with ads and sponsorships
- Protect your privacy and your job
- Deal with spam and the inappropriate comments from that guy who posts several times a day
- Find your niche
- Attract and keep readers
- Use your blog to promote your business, cause, or organization
- Add audio, video, cool widgets, and more
Ready? Get Blogging for Dummies and let’s get started!
About the Author
Susannah Gardner is creative director of Hop Studios (www.hopstudios.com), a Web design company specializing in blogs and community content Web sites.
Shane Birley is co-founder of Left Right Minds (www.leftrightminds.com) and blogs at ShanesWorld.ca. |
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