Quality-Based Content Delivery over the Internet
It is an obvious fact now that the Internet is becoming part of our life. More and more
contents are delivered over the Internet. As the heterogeneity in the Internet increases,
content providers are considering adaptive content delivery to achieve better user
satisfaction. However, so far there are still no thorough study of how... |  |  CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices"Let food be your medicine, medicine your food." -Hippocrates, 2400 B.C. When the "Father of Medicine" uttered those famous words, spices were as important for medicine, embalming, preserving food, and masking bad odors as they were for more mundane culinary matters. Author James A. Duke predicts that spices such as capsicum,... |  |  Joining Technologies
Joining and welding are two of the most important processes in manufacturing. These technologies have vastly improved and are now extensively used in numerous industries. This book covers a wide range of topics, from arc welding (Gmaw and Gtaw), Fsw, laser and hybrid welding, and magnetic pulse welding on metal joining to the application of... |